as snow falls

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Sam and Harry walk through the courtyard, bundled up with their coats and scarves as snow falls around them. The past week has been difficult for Harry considering how many people are assuming that he's the Heir of Slytherin, so Sam spends her time with him in hopes that he doesn't feel so alone. Today, they decide to go for a walk around the grounds as light snow flurries fall gracefully onto the ground. Mostly they just walk in silence, until Sam subtly leans down to grab a handful of snow. She pats it down into a compact ball before chucking it at Harry's back.

He turns around suddenly with an expression of confusion and shock. She grins at him and he glares playfully in response before leaning down to make a snowball himself. Sam begins to run down the pathway towards the hills by Hagrid's hut. Harry chases after her as she laughs loudly. Rather than throw it at her, he chases her down and grabs her with one arm before crushing the ball of snow on the top of her head.

"Harry!" She exclaims as it melts into her hair.

He laughs before he slips on a piece of ice and falls. Sam chuckles as she tries to help him up, but she loses her footing and falls down beside him. They both break out into full laughter that echoes over the hills.

When their laughter dies, Sam speaks up, "Harry?"


She hesitates for a moment before sighing, "I know I'm just one person against an entire school, but I believe you... I don't want you to feel alone."

He shakes his head lightly, "It bothered me at first, but- I don't know- I still have you, right?"

She nods in response and he continues, "That's all I need, just one person."

There was something about the words he chose that made her heart flutter slightly. She would never admit it, but lately her feelings towards Harry have begun to change. Little by little, she notices how much Harry makes her feel. She feels a little more happy and content when he's around, but these feelings worry her. Harry is one of her best friends and there is no way he could possibly see her in the same way, he probably sees her as a sister. She can't say that it doesn't make her sad, but she feels that deep down, as long as he's with her, she doesn't care.

"Sam?" Harry snaps her out of her thoughts.


"Why do you always believe in me?"

Her brows furrow as she stares at the ground, "Do you remember when we met last year? At King's Cross?"

He nods slowly and she continues, "I actually saw you at Diagon Alley with Hagrid first, and even then, when I saw you, I just knew that- er- I mean, I- Godric, let me start over," she chuckles, "When I met you for the first time, it felt like I had known you all my life. I knew in my heart that I could trust you. I wanted you in my life for some reason, I guess I just knew then and there that I would stand by you."

A small smile stretches across his lips, "I saw you in Diagon Alley too, well, I saw you from the back, but I felt that too. When I first truly met you at King's Cross, I just wanted to be around you- er- that sounded different in my head- er-"

She sniggers, "No, I know what you mean. I feel better when you're around."

"Ye- Yeah, that's what I meant," Harry rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.

She blushes slightly, "Come on, we should head back before we catch pneumonia."

He chuckles, "Yeah, alright."

Till The End | h.pHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin