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The next night, they're all sitting together in the living room, talking and laughing about old memories, trying to keep their spirits up. As hours go by, they all stand and make their way to separate rooms. Before Sam can enter her's, Harry pulls her aside.

"I heard your conversation with Hermione the other day," he admits.

She stands there in silence, looking anywhere but his eyes.

"Since when do we keep secrets from each other, Sam?"

She sighs, "I didn't tell anyone about it for well over a year-"

"I thought you wanted to tell me everything?"

"Harry, if you had a secret that you knew would break not only my heart, but Hermione's, Ron's, and Fred and George's, would you openly tell us?"

Harry rolls his eyes, "Hermione said that she can fix it-"

"She can't! There is no fixing this. It's my prophecy, it can't be undone," Sam argues.

"Tell me," Harry demands.

"This is my choice."

"It's not your job to decide what's best for us!" Harry spits out.

"No, but it is my choice to keep my own secret."

"You told Ron and Hermione," he retorts.

"I told Ron and the twins. Ron told Hermione," she corrects.

"It doesn't matter," Harry sighs in frustration, "I need to know."

"No, you don't. It will only distract you from what we're doing here."

"So what? It's okay to distract Ron and Hermione, but not me?"

Sam runs her fingers through her hair in irritation, "Can we please just drop this, for now?"

Harry rolls his eyes and begins to walk away without another word. Sam sighs in defeat and closes her door. She tosses and turns for what feels like hours, trying to fall asleep. Her mind continues to race as her argument with Harry plays over and over again in her mind. She rolls out of her bed and slowly walks down the hall to Harry's room. She quietly opens the door and notices that he's lying awake as well. He turns his head to look at her and then looks back up towards the ceiling. She closes his door as she steps inside. She walks over to the side of his bed. Without looking at her, he grabs the blanket and lifts it up so she can lay next to him.

She smiles slightly and crawls into the bed. She lays her head on his chest and breathes in his scent as she feels the comfort she's been craving. He wraps his arm around her, pulling her in closer. She decides, in that moment, that it's time.

"We won't be getting married, Harry."

He furrows his brows as the darkness envelops them, "Do you not-"

"There's nothing I want more," she admits, "We might be young, but I've known for a long time that you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. And I will."

"But, then- we will get married-"

"No, no, we won't," she stutters, "My prophecy- I'm not going to survive this war, Harry."

He pulls away from her quickly, "What do you mean?"

"If I choose to stand on the side of good, that is my consequence, I die," she confesses, "I'm sorry, but we're never going to get married."

Silence surrounds them for several minutes, her heart races in worry and then she feels a drop hit her arm.

"Harry? Lumos," she lets the light of her wand illuminate their faces and she sees a tear slide down his cheek, "Don't cry, love."

She presses her fingers to his cheeks and wipes his tears. He places his hands on top of hers, "I won't lose you. I just- I won't."

She closes her eyes, "I'll try everything I can, okay?"

They lay back down, facing each other and Harry speaks, "I don't care what we have to do, you're not going to die. I'm spending the rest of my life with you and only you."

She bites her lip, "I'm not giving up, but I need you to promise me something," she waits for him to nod and then continues, "If this ends horribly, I need you to find the strength to move on..."

He shakes his head, "No, I-"

She presses her finger against his lips, "Please, I don't want you to be alone."

He shakes his head again and gently pushes her finger away, "Don't you understand yet? I can't love anyone else, I only love you, I only want you. I can't be with anyone else because when I will look at them, I'll be wishing it was you. That wouldn't be fair to them."

A tear of her own slips down her face and onto the pillow, "Harry-"

"No. It's you and me till the end, remember? And after that."

She gives him a small smile and he pulls her into him as he kisses her passionately. This kiss is like nothing they've ever shared before, it's full of desperation. They hold each other close, as if it might be their last kiss. Harry knows in this moment, that he will never kiss anyone else. Sam holds onto him, even as they pull apart, terrified that if she lets go, she will never have him again. He pulls her into his chest as he wraps his arms around her and holds her through the night.

Till The End | h.pOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant