astronomy tower

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As Harry returns from lessons with Wood, he strolls into the common room only to see Ron laying on the couch.

"Where's Sam?" Harry asks.

Ron shrugged, "My guess would be the Astronomy Tower. She's always loved that sort of stuff."

Without anyone noticing, Harry slips out of the room and heads for the tower. He wants to tell Sam and Ron all about his lessons, but he figures Sam might need someone more right now. He climbs the stairs and upon reaching the top, he sees her sitting with her knees against her chest.

He lets out a small, "Hey."

She turns to look at him, despite her sad expression, he can still see the light in her eyes.


He walks over and sits down next to her. He looks up at the night sky seeing more stars than he ever had at Privet Drive.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

"I've never seen this many stars before," he says in awe.

She shakes her head slightly, "I'm sorry, I forgot to ask, how were the lessons?"

She turns to look at him.

"Really cool, I mean I never knew about Quidditch, but it seems like a lot of fun. It's one of the few things that actually makes sense to me."

She lets out a small chuckle, "Yeah, it's my favorite."

This time, he turns to look at her, "How are you feeling, really?"

She hesitates for a moment before sighing, "I miss my mom... It's my fault she died."

He gives her a questioning look.

"I mean, the Death Eaters were after me."

"What do you mean? You were only... what six?"

She gives a slight nod, "I didn't know until this year, but Voldemort wanted me for a reason. There's this prophecy or something. It's like I have a whole destiny that I don't even know about. I'm only eleven for Godric's sake."

Harry listens to the whole thing and has so many questions, but the one that sticks out the most is, "You're not afraid like everyone else... to say his name."

She laughs, "What's in a name, right? If he really is dead, it's not like he can kill me. If he isn't, he's going to try to kill us all either way."

Harry nods in understanding. He didn't grow up hearing the stories, so there were a lot of holes in what he understands.

"I don't know much, but my mum talked about Lily a lot."

"Yeah, my aunt never spoke about her or my dad, really."

"Your mum and mine went to school here, together. She grew up with your parents. She loved them both, but Lily was always my mum's best friend. Apparently when we were little, you and I would play together while they attended some meetings together. According to mum, we were best friends too," Sam laughed and Harry, who was hanging onto her every word, also let out a small laugh, "Your mum had gorgeous red hair, and brilliant green eyes... just like you, I suppose. Mum used to say that Lily was the kindest person she ever knew. Compassionate, brave, and so loving."

Silence fills the air, while they are reminiscing. Harry looks to her and asks, "What was her name, your mum?"

Sam smiles, her eyes full of love, "Jordana."

They sit and talk for what felt like hours and only a few minutes, at the same time. They decide they should head back before a Prefect runs into them and decides to deduct house points.

When they finally enter the common room, Fred and George immediately ask, "Where have you been, young lady? It's far too late to be hanging around with some boy."

Harry looks alarmed and slightly nervous, while Sam laughs, knowing they don't really mean it. They are protective, so they are probably slightly concerned.

"Mum, dad, this is Harry. We're getting married."

Harry looks terrified and equally confused as Fred shrieks and George gasps.

"Not our baby girl!"

They all burst out laughing, until Fred hands Sam a pile of ingredients.

"Give these to Hermione will you? And no more frolicking about the castle-"

"Or hanging out with boys!" Fred concludes.

Sam laughs and turns to Harry, who still appears slightly stunned.

"They were only pulling your leg, don't have a heart attack. See you tomorrow, Harry."

"Night, Sam."

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