the restricted section

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On the morning of Christmas day, Sam rushes out of her room to grab Ron and Harry.

They meet her down in the common room. Upon seeing them a grin forms on her face.

Ron runs down the stairs and gives her a side hug, "Merry Christmas, Ron!"

He smiles, looking at the presents under the tree, "Merry Christmas, Sam! Harry, come on, you've got presents to unwrap."

Harry looks down at them, "I've got presents?"

He runs down the stairs and Sam pulls him in for a hug, "Merry Christmas, Harry."

He smiles brightly at her, "Merry Christmas, Sam."

Harry turns to Ron, noticing the maroon sweater he's wearing, "What are you wearing, Ron?"

Ron looks down at it, "Oh, mum made it. Looks like you've got one too."

They all sit around the tree, opening presents. Ron pulls out a box of sweets, while Harry unwraps the sweater Mrs. Weasley made for him. Sam pulls out her bright red sweater, with a gold 'S' knitted in the middle.

"Fred and George got you this, Sam," Ron says as he handed her a poorly wrapped gift.

She laughs as she unwraps it. It's a midnight blue journal. She remembers telling them she was running out of parchment.

"It's enchanted so if anyone, other than you, tries to open it, they get splattered with blue dye!"

"Sounds like them," She says with a warm smile, "I love them."

Harry begins opening a letter attached to a parcel, "Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well."

He looks up as Ron shrugs. He unwraps the package to find a large cloak.

"What is it?" Ron asks.

"It looks like some kind of cloak," Sam says.

"Well, go on, then. Let's see it."

As Harry wraps it around himself, everything except for his head disappears.


"My body's gone!"

Ron stands up, "I know what that is. That's an invisibility cloak! They're really rare."

"I'm invisible?" Harry asks while spinning around.

"I wonder who gave it to you," Sam inquires while grabbing the note.

"There was no name. It just said 'Use it well'".

That night, Harry decides to use the cloak to sneak into the restricted section of the library. Sam and Ron stayed behind to see if they missed anything in the books they had laying about. Sam starts to wonder why Harry has been gone for so long.

"Hey, Ron. I'm going to go try to help Harry, be back soon."

Ron simply nods while he squints over the pages of the book. Sam exits the common room and heads to the library. Before she turns a corner, she hears two voices talking. She tries to turn into the next corridor, but someone grabs her and pulls her back. Harry hides her under the cloak and puts a finger up to his lips.

He whispers, "It's Quirrell and Snape. Follow me."

They slowly make their way to an old room that appears abandoned. Harry pulls the cloak off of them.

"No luck in the library, but Snape was arguing with Quirrell." Harry informs.

"Do you know what about?" She asks.

He only shakes his head, but his attention turns to a large mirror in the center of the room. It has a large golden frame engraved, ' Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi'.

"What is it?" She asks.

Harry looks down into the mirror and his eyes widen significantly. He turns around quickly, only to see Sam.

He glances back at the mirror, "Do you see them too?"

She glances into the mirror and shakes her head.

"It's my parents."

She stands next to him and to her astonishment, she sees her mum.

"Mum?" she asks.

The woman in the mirror nods with a comforting smile. A tear falls from Sam's eye.

"Harry, we need to go. I know what this mirror is. It's the Mirror of Erised, it shows you what your heart desires most."

Harry stands still, staring into the mirror. Sam looks to him and places a gentle hand on his shoulder, "People go mad, wasting in front of this mirror, Harry. Please, come with me."

She knew how hard it was for him to walk away, it was just as hard for her. She held onto his hand as she pulled him back. They quietly went back to the dormitories, neither of them realizing they were still clutching each other's hand.

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