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Sam and Hermione make their way to their first lesson, which happens to be Potions with Slughorn. Harry and Ron apparently decided not to register for Potions this year. They stand in the center of the classroom as he begins his lecture.

"Attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all planning."

Slughorn turns around and they all watch as Harry and Ron enter the room. Sam and Hermione chuckle as they roll their eyes.

"Ah. Harry, my boy, I was beginning to worry. We've brought someone with us, I see."

"Ron Weasley, sir," Ron introduces himself, "But I'm dead awful at Potions, a menace, actually."

Sam and Hermione turn and see Lavender Brown staring at Ron. Sam turns back to Hermione and pretends to gag.

"Nonsense," Slughorn reassures, "We'll sort you out. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Get your books out."

"Sorry, sir. I haven't actually got my book yet, nor has Ron," Harry notes.

"Not to worry, get what you want from the cupboard. Now, as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?"

Hermione immediately raises her hand, "Yes, Miss...?"

"Granger, sir. That one there is Veritaserum. It's a truth-telling serum."

"Ah, yes. Well done," Slughorn confirms, "Miss Black, do you know what the second one would be?"

At the sound of her name, Draco looks up and feels slight ease only for a moment, before his heart grows heavy once more.

"That would be Polyjuice Potion, sir. It's really tricky to make, but it causes the drinker to take on the appearance of another."

Slughorn smiles brightly, "Ah, quite right. Good. Good."

"And this last one? Yes, Miss Granger."

"This is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world," Harry and Ron join Sam and Hermione as she continues, "It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them. For example, I smell freshly mown grass, and new parchment, and spearmint... toothpaste."

Hermione quickly backs up towards the group and looks away.

"Now, Amortentia doesn't create actual love. That would be impossible. But it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession," Slughorn informs as the girls begin to gravitate towards the potion, "And for that it makes this the most dangerous potion in this room."

Harry leans into Sam, "So what do you smell?"

She bites her lip in concentration and his eyes gravitate towards her lips as she speaks, "I can smell petrichor, and eucalyptus, and um- your shampoo."

She gives a small embarrassed smile and meets his eyes, "What about you?"

He grins, "Broomstick polish, fireworks, and your perfume."

She chuckles, "There's no hope for us, is there?"

He chuckles briefly, "I suppose not."

She looks away and back towards Slughorn, but Malfoy catches her eye instead. He stands there, but his posture is slumped forward. The same expression he wore last night is etched across his face and her brows furrow. He looks up and catches her gaze. She mouths, 'Are you okay?'

He doesn't respond, he only looks back up to the professor who continues to speak, "What you see before you, ladies and gentlemen, is a curious little potion known as Felix Felicis. But it is more commonly known as-"

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