the hogwarts express

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The following morning, Molly comes charging in, "Honey, have you seen Fred, George and- oh" she stops as she sees all of them sitting together under the makeshift tent.

"I'm sorry Molly, I had another nightmare," Sam says with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, no worries, my love. Are you all packed and ready? We will be leaving for King's Cross in an hour!"

"Well, you see-" Fred begins.

"Oh you too! Get up and finish or we will leave you behind!" Molly exclaims exasperatedly before leaving the room.

"Don't worry boys, I'd never leave you behind," Sam encourages.

"I would, see ya!" Ron laughs.

They all stand and the boys head back to their rooms. Within the next hour, they all bring their trunks down and set them in front of the door. They are all gathered around the dining table, finishing up the breakfast Molly made for them. Sam's nerves get progressively stronger the closer they get to leaving the Burrow. They won't be back here until Christmas break.

"Alright everyone, it's time to go!" Molly informs while simultaneously trying to push them all out the door.

By the time they reach King's Cross, Sam's nerves are at top notch. Molly is rushing them towards the portal in the wall leading them to Platform 9 ¾.

"It's the same every year, packed with Muggles, of course. Come on. Platform 9 ¾, this way." Molly announces.

They all push their carts, following closely behind. Sam walks beside Ron, with Fred, George and Percy walking in front.

"Alright Percy, you first."

Percy gets a tight grip on the handles of his cart and rushes towards the wall, disappearing right as he steps through it. Not one of the Muggles seems to notice.

"Fred, you next."

"He's not Fred, I am." George states, "Honestly, woman, and you call yourself our mother," Fred jokes.

Ron and Sam turn to each other and chuckle, knowing it's another one of their pranks.

"Oh, I'm sorry George," Molly says with slight frustration that she couldn't tell them apart.

Fred steps up to run at the wall, "I'm only joking. I am Fred." He announces with pride that they tricked their mother.

He runs right through the wall, with George following closely behind. As they watch them disappear into the wall, they hear a young boy call, "Excuse me." They all turn to look at him. He pushes his cart up to Mrs. Weasley.

"Could you- Could you tell me how to...?" He asks while nodding to the wall. It's the boy she had seen at Diagon Alley. That feeling of comfort washes over her once again. Sam notices that he isn't accompanied by anyone. It must be his first year too.

Molly places a hand on his shoulder, "How to get onto the platform? Not to worry, dear. It's Ron and Sam's first time to Hogwarts as well." She motions to her son and adopted daughter. As the boy turns to look, Ron gives him a close lipped smile and Sam gives him a heartwarming one. The boy immediately notices her and his heart beats a little faster. Looking into her eyes, he knew that she was the same girl he had seen when he went to Diagon Alley with Hagrid. Her eyes were mostly brown, but he could see that both of her eyes were tinted green. They were kind and welcoming and he knew that he had seen them before. His mouth falls open only slightly.

"All you've got to do," Molly continues while pointing at the wall, "is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best to give it a run if you're nervous."

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