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Before their first practice meeting, Umbridge adds a new Educational Decree stating, "All student organizations are henceforth disbanded. Any student in noncompliance will be expelled." She also recruited an Inquisitorial Squad, consisting entirely of Slytherins looking for extra credit, including Draco and his goons.

They band together for their first practice, choosing to first go over the basics such as Expelliarmus and Stupefy. They partner up and Neville immediately asks Sam to be his partner. Harry gets a little jealous and continually walks by them to check on their progress. Sam catches on to his intentions quickly and is a little concerned. She chooses to ignore it and chooses instead to help Neville.

"You're so close, Neville! You're doing really well," she encourages.

"I'm trying, I really am."

"You're just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this, Expelliarmus."

His wand successfully flies out of his hand and into Sam's. She tosses it back.

He hesitates for a moment and tries again, but fails, "I'm hopeless."

"No, that's why we're here. To practice," she gives him a smile which eases his doubt.

After several meetings, they continue to practice stunning. Everyone lines up on either side to watch two people stun each other. Harry pairs up with Nigel to demonstrate it first.

"Stunning is one of the most useful weapons in your arsenal. Go ahead, Nigel. Give it your best shot."


Harry flies backwards and everyone congratulates Nigel, "Good. Not bad at all, Nigel. Well done."

Next Ron and Hermione volunteer.

Ron leans over to Hermione, "Don't worry. I'll go easy on you."

"Thanks, Ronald."

They get in their positions and Sam smirks towards Hermione. The twins stand next to Sam.

"Bet you one sickle it's Ron who wins."

"You're on," she smiles.

Just as Ron raises his wand and begins the incantation, Hermione beats him to it and he flies backwards and lands on his arse.

"Pay up boys," she smirks as they grumble and hand over their sickles.

She joins Hermione with the rest of the girls and sniggers at Ron's grumpy face.

Ron walks over to the twins, "I let her do that. It's good manners, isn't it?"

Filch begins to sit outside the Room of Requirement, ready to catch them in the act, but they find different exits from the room and sneak around him. Umbridge creates a new decree announcing that all students will submit to questioning about any rule breaking they've noticed as time goes by and they still haven't caught them.

They take an entire meeting to practice levitating people with the spell, Levicorpus. Many people are successful as Harry walks around checking on people's progress. Harry comes over to Ron and Sam as she levitates Nigel.

He wraps his hand around hers, "A little higher," he says as he gently lifts her hand, Ron smirks at him and he blushes.

Sam turns to him and smiles, effectively losing focus and dropping Nigel. They haven't been nearly as close this year. They're assumed relationship put on hold due to their equal struggles in controlling whatever darkness sits inside their hearts.

They use the dummy as they surround it in a circle and go around practicing the spells they've learned so far. As the practice dummy rolls around the circle being hit by different spells depending on the person it rolls towards, it rolls towards Sam.

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