this is war

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She feels the bond between them snap like a cord being cut between their hearts. An overwhelming feeling of despair and tragedy overcomes her and she scrambles to get away from the others. Tears spring from her eyes like an endless source of pain. She gasps for breath as the loss consumes her. She turns around and they know. Hermione sobs and Ron shuts his eyes tightly. She feels a scream climbing forcefully up her lungs and she grabs the sides of her head, desperate for release. She looks around for Harry, her shield, until she remembers he's the reason she's falling apart and all hope is lost to her.

She throws a protective shield around her body in a circle so that no one can enter or be harmed. She gasps for breath as if she's drowning and in many ways, she is. She lets the pain consume her without her usual control and lets her scream tear through her vocal cords and bounce off the protective shield. Green flames flow out of her chest and surround the stone floor within the shield, yet she feels no heat or pain apart from her own crushing despair.

George, Ron and Hermione sit against the wall, desperate to help her, but as she loses control, they can still hear her scream through her own field. The entire castle shakes as she remembers Harry, Fred, her mom, and Sirius. She lets the pain flow out of her in tidal waves. The wind outside the castle blows through the trees in the forest, alerting Voldemort and his men that Harry Potter is, in fact, dead. He grins widely and basks in the torturous screams Sam lets free, feeling her immense power.

Back at the castle, Sam relieves every tragedy and something inside of her snaps. Her screams die down and the flames evaporate into the air. She lowers the protection and stands slowly. Over the horizon, the sun begins to rise, bringing light to her burning green eyes. George stands and approaches her.

Her eyes glide into the Hall where Fred's body lay, "Who killed him?"

George shakes his head, but she persists, "Who?"

He looks at the body of his brother and another tear slips out, "Bellatrix."

Any ounce of forgiveness and compassion Sam may have had, dissipate. She nods and her eyes burn brighter, the whites of her eyes slowly turning black. George backs away and Ron pulls Hermione closer to him.

"They're all going to die for what they've done," Sam assures.

As the dawn finally breaks, Voldemort and his army, fewer than before, cross the bridge once again. Hagrid marches with them carrying someone. Sam is the first to stand on top of the steps in the courtyard, she watches as they enter the courtyard. Voldemort stands ahead of them all, staring at Sam with intensity.

"Harry Potter is dead!" He shouts and his Death Eaters clap and cheer and laugh.

Sam begins to take steps down to meet them in the courtyard, her hands surrounded by green flames. The remaining students and staff and members of the Order follow behind, but stay behind her. Voldemort smiles victoriously at her.

"Ah, the Impossible Girl, such power you have."

She says nothing, but keeps her head high as her eyes glow brighter than ever before.

"Join me, my dear. You would be a valuable asset," he offers.

Something stills in her chest, the cord that snapped begins to connect once more and her heart rate picks up. The black that clouded her eyes returning to white.

She steps forward slightly, "You killed the love of my life... you will die for that." His evil grin falls and she finishes, "But not by my hand."

At her words, Harry rolls out of Hagrid's arms and runs to the side. Voldemort shouts out in rage and begins to fire spells at him, but each curse bounces off his back. His snake like eyes violently turn to face her.

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