first task

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The day of the first task arrives and Sam is incredibly nervous. Her leg continues to shake as she sits next to Ron and Hermione in the stands.

Hermione leans over to her as the twins walk around asking for betting money on who survives, "Just go talk to him already."

Sam nods and gets up running to the champions tent.

"Psst. Psst. Harry? Is that you?"


"How are you feeling? Okay?"

He shrugs.

"The key is to concentrate. After that you just have to-"

"Battle a dragon."

She rushes into the tent and pulls him in for a hug. He grips onto her tight, finding great relief. They hear a camera flash and they pull apart.

"Young love," Rita Skeeter proclaims.

Cedric looks over at them and smiles at Sam, seemingly over his crush, he's just happy for her.

"How... stirring," Rita finishes as her stupid quill begins to write, "If everything goes unfortunately today... you two may even make the front page."

Harry steps forward slightly covering Sam.

Krum steps in front of them, "You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends."

"No matter. We've got what we wanted," she says as she exits the tent.

Dumbledore and Crouch enter the tent, "Good day, champions. Gather round, please."

Harry grabs Sam's hand and pulls her closer to him. She wraps her other hand around his arm.

"Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived. A moment only four of you can fully appreciate."

Dumbledore looks around at all of them until his eyes fall onto Sam. He does a double take, "What are you doing here, Miss Black?"

"Oh, um- Sorry I'll just go." She gives one last look at Harry and lets go of his hand before exiting the tent. Harry feels more anxious without her, but continues to listen to Dumbledore.

"Barty, the bag."

Crouch steps up with a small bag, "Champions, in a circle around me. Miss Delacour, if you will."

He opens the bag slightly and holds it out in front of her. She reaches her hand inside and pulls out a small dragon.

"The Welsh Green," he announces, "Mr. Krum."

Krum does the same and Barty continues, "The chinese fireball."

He holds the bag next in front of Cedric who pulls out a Swedish Short-Snout.

"Which leaves-"

"The Horntail," Harry whispers.

Harry pulls out a small dragon with spikes covering its back.

"These represent four very real dragons... each of which has been given a golden egg to protect," Barty informs, "Your objective is simple: collect the egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task."

"Good luck, champions," Dumbledore says.

As each champion battles their dragon, Sam realizes that Harry is left to go last. Everyone begins chanting Harry's name as he exits the tent and into the arena. Sam cheers loudly and by some miracle he hears her voice above all the others and finds her in the crowd. She gives a reassuring smile and it brings him slight comfort, but more nerves. As the cheering dies down, he spots the egg and begins to take steps towards. Out of nowhere the Horntail appears and uses its spiked club-like tail and nearly hits Harry.

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