replaced potions

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Within a few days, Sam and Harry simply weren't talking to each other. They weren't angry with each other, they just had nothing to say to each other, like something between them shifted. It seems like everyone has noticed the fast change. Hermione and Ron throw each other confused glances in the Great Hall as they all eat breakfast. It's an odd feeling like they're standing on thin ice, one wrong move and everything will fall apart.

Hermione leans over to Sam, "Have you been taking your potions?"

Sam slowly blinks at her, "Excuse me?"

"I just mean-" Hermione tries to correct herself, but Ron beats her to it.

"You and Harry have both been acting off."

"Way to be subtle, Ronald," Hermione notes sarcastically.

Both Sam and Harry remain silent. Sam feels like her mind grows foggy and without thinking or realizing she blurts, "Do you just want to break up?"

Ron chokes on his food and Hermione spews her drink across the table. People who were eavesdropping on the conversation turn to look in their direction.

Harry furrows his brows for a moment, then shakes his head and rubs his temples, "Uh- yeah, okay."

Sam nods and stands to leave. She feels something wet trail down her cheek and realizes it's a single tear. She wipes it away in confusion before shrugging and exiting the hall. Ron and Hermione both turn to Harry in shock. As if snapping out of a trance he shakes his head again and stares at the table as if he has no idea how he got here.

"What the bloody hell just happened?" Ron asks in disbelief.

Harry looks at both of them, "I was kinda hoping you would tell me."

"You and Sam just broke up," Hermione looks at him as if it was obvious.

His eyes widen tremendously, "Wait- what?"

He looks around the hall and then stands abruptly before running after her. Hermione and Ron both stand and follow. Harry runs up to Sam and pulls her back.

"What is happening?" He asks her frantically.

She looks like she's having an internal battle, "I- We broke up, Harry."

Sam feels anger rising in her for no reason as Harry continues, "No, no. There's something wrong with both of us. We've been off and not ourselves for days."

She was struggling to gain control, "No, this is how I feel. I don't like how possessive you've become. You should know that it was only ever you for me, but you just take it too far. I'd rather spend my time with someone else."

She spits out the words as if they aren't even hers. Harry takes a step back but still holds onto her arm. He slides his hand down to hers and holds on tight.

"That wasn't me-" He assures.

She feels like she might explode. Her emotions begin to fly out of her uncontrollably.

"This just isn't working, Harry."

She lets go of his hand and tries to walk away, but he grabs her hand again, "Please-"

Her eyes flash green threateningly and he lets go in shock. A crowd has grown around them and Dean steps in.

"Maybe now isn't the best time for this, mate."

Harry looks at him in agitation and then he notices the audience they've collected. He sighs in frustration and nods before walking in the other direction. Hermione and Ron go after Harry to figure out what's happening as Dean escorts Sam back to the common room.

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