third floor

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After class, Harry ran to them, and told them about his conversation with McGonagall.

"Seeker? But first years never make the house teams. You must be the youngest player-"

"In a century, McGonagall says."

Fred and George meet up with us, "Well done, Harry. Wood's just told us."

"Fred and George are on the team. Finest Beaters Hogwarts has." Sam says with a grin.

George wraps his arm around her, "Why thank you, love."

Fred continues, "Our job is to make sure you don't get bloodied up too bad. Can't make any promises of course. Rough game, Quidditch."

"Brutal, but no one's died in years. Someone vanishes occasionally."

"But they'll turn up in a month or two!" George says as they part ways.

Harry looks absolutely terrified now.

"Oh! Go on, Harry. Quidditch is great. Best game there is, and you'll be great too!" Sam says with a smile.

"But I've never even played. What if I make a fool of myself?"

Hermione runs up to meet them as Sam says, "You won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood. Follow me."

Sam led them down one of the many corridors, until they reached a glass case with several different trophies and plaques. She points at the Quidditch plaque.

"Woah! Harry, you never told me your father was a Seeker, too!"

Harry smiled with admiration, "I didn't know."

All four of them begin to walk up one of the many staircases until it abruptly changes course.

"What's happening?" Harry calls out.

Hermione responds, "The staircases change, remember?"

"Let's go this way, before the staircases move again."

Sam leads them up to a large wooden door. As it opens, they see that it's incredibly dark in the corridor. There are cobwebs over every statue.

"Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here?" Ron asks in fear.

"We're not supposed to be here. This is the third floor. It's forbidden," Hermione informs.

Suddenly fires begin to light up and they hear a loud 'Meow!' They turn quickly to face the cat.

"It's Filch's cat! Run!" Sam says as she takes off in the opposite direction. As they make their way down the hallway the fires begin to light.

Harry shouts, "Quick! Let's hide through that door!" He pulls the handle several times before announcing, "It's locked."

"Move over, 'Alohomora!'" Sam shouts and the door unlocks. They all clammer inside.

"Alohomora?" Ron asks.

"Standard Book of Spells. Chapter Seven." Hermione informs before Sam gets the chance.

"Filch is gone," Hermione says, "He thinks this door's locked."

"For good reason," Harry says with wide eyes.

They follow his gaze to see a massive Three-headed Dog laying on the floor beginning to wake up. It notices them and stands up. They all scream as the dog barks impeccably loud. They race out the door and lock it once more. They run all the way back to the common room, to find that everyone had gone back to their rooms.

"What do they think they're doing?" Ron asks angrily, "Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school?"

"You don't use your eyes, do you? Didn't you see what it was standing on?" Hermione asks incredulously.

"I wasn't looking at its feet! I was preoccupied with its heads!" Ron shouted as we all made our way up the staircase leading to the dormitories. "Or maybe you didn't notice. There were three!"

"It was standing on a trap door. It wasn't there by accident," Sam explained so Hermione didn't have to. She hopes it eases some of the tension between those two.

"It's guarding something," Hermione states.

"Guarding something?" Harry asks.

"That's right. Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed. Or worse, expelled." Hermione responds as she opens the door to the girl's dormitories.

"She needs to sort out her priorities," Ron says with irritation. Harry nods slightly.

"She takes school very seriously," Sam reasons, "Maybe she's just trying to keep us all out of trouble."

"She's mental!" Ron shouts.

Sam proceeds to punch him in the arm, "Just because you don't like her, doesn't mean you have to be so rude, Ronniekins."

Harry stifles a laugh, "Ronniekins."

Ron rolls his eyes, "Fred and George came up with it. Let's go. Night Sam."

She laughs, "Night Ron. Night Harry."

Harry watches her shut the door, "Night," he whispers.

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