marauder's map

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Saturday morning, Sam and Hermione sit in their dorm as they get ready for the day. Sam turns on her muggle music that she discovered over the summer. Hermione turns to her suddenly with a look of surprise and excitement.

"I love this song!" Hermione admits as she turns it up.

Sam runs a brush through her hair as they both sing along and dance around the room. Sam uses her hairbrush as a microphone while she playfully belts out the lyrics. They're too busy having fun to notice their door creak open. Harry, Ron, Fred and George walk in with amused expressions etched across their faces. Sam jumps to stand on her bed as she fully envelops herself into the music. George turns the music up a bit more and begins to dance with them. Harry marvels at Sam's voice, having never heard her sing before, he's stunned. Ron, who has been listening to her music all summer, knows every line of the song. He jumps onto the bed with her and begins to sing obnoxiously with her.

They proceed to serenade each other as Fred and George dance around with Hermione. Sam turns to face Harry and beckons him up onto the bed. He follows apprehensively until she yanks him up with them. They all sing loudly until the song dies away.

"You know, you guys really shouldn't sneak up on us like that," Sam alerts, "Hermione could've hexed you."

"Hermione would never, right?" Ron asks her as he throws his arm over her shoulder.

She turns to him and sniggers, "Yeah, sure."

His jaw drops in disbelief and Harry holds his hand out for Sam to help her off her bed as they both chuckle at the interaction.

Hermione turns to Sam, "Are you coming to Hogsmeade today?"

Sam shakes her head in response, "I have- things to do."

Fred and George eye her suspiciously before announcing their leave. Everyone begins to go their separate ways and Harry makes his way up to the clock tower above the courtyard. As Christmas is fast approaching, Harry wants to go to Hogsmeade more than ever. Every year now, he's gotten presents and for once, he would like to be able to return the favor.

"Last call for Hogsmeade!" Filch cries out, "Come on, now!"

Electing not to tell Sam, he throws on his invisibility cloak and heads down to the courtyard. He tries to walk past the twins quietly while they're building a snowman, but they notice the footprints in the snow. So they link their arms with the cloaked Harry and begin to drag him back inside.

"Guys, let me go."

"Clever, Harry," they say in unison.

"But not clever enough," George remarks.

"Besides, we've got a better way," Fred informs.

"I'm trying to get to Hogsmeade," Harry confesses.

The laugh, "We know."

"Don't worry."

"We'll get you there."

They push him onto the stairs and pull off his cloak.

"Now, Harry," George states.

"Come and join the big boys," Fred smirks.

"What are you doing?" Harry asks.

They shush him and hand him a folded piece of parchment.

"What's this rubbish?"

They laugh simultaneously, "'What's this rubbish?' he says. That there is the key to our success."

"It's a wrench giving it to you believe me-"

"But we've decided your needs are greater than ours. George, if you will."

George whips out his wand and it touches the paper, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Ink begins to bleed through onto the parchment in different patterns and words on the front.

"Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map." Harry reads aloud.

"We owe them so much," George says.

Harry unfolds the map, "Hang on. This is Hogwarts. And that- No. Is that really-?"


"In his study."


In unison, "Does that a lot."

"So, you're telling me this map shows-?"


"Everyone?" Harry asks intrigued.

"Where they are."

"What they're doing."

"Every minute."

"Of every day."

Harry stares at the map, "Brilliant. Where did you get it?"

"From Filch's office, of course."

"First year."

"There are seven secret passageways," George informs, "Out of the castle."

"We'd recommend-"

They both point to a passageway on the map, "This one."

"The One-Eyed Witch passageway," Fred states.

"Lead you straight into Honeydukes cellar."

"But you'd best hurry. Filch is heading this way."

"Oh, and Harry, don't forget. When you're done, just give it a tap and say: Mischief Managed."

"Otherwise anyone can read it."

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