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November 16th, the next day, Sam spends with all of her friends as they celebrate her birthday. They spend time with Hagrid and get Butterbeers at Hogsmeade before they come back to the common room.

As they walk in, Fred and George grab Sam and begin pushing her up to her shared dorm with Hermione.

"What's going-" she stops mid sentence as she sees the fort that they built while she was out with the others, "but how?"

"We bribed the prefect to let us have a sleepover," Fred says with glee.

"And by bribed, he means threatened," George smiles, "we can't break tradition."

"That's why we're all going to join in and be part of this tradition too!" Hermione adds.

They all sit down on the mattresses that now lay on the floor. Sam looks around at the sheets that are strung up and the floating lights that they know she loves. Ron tosses a bunch of sweets in the middle of everyone.

"Got them while we were at Hogsmeade," He explains.

They dig into the sweets and laugh for hours until everyone falls asleep, except for Sam and Harry.

"I wish every night could be like this," she remarks as she looks at all of her sleeping friends. Everyone is together and happy, "I mean- every year is so hectic and messy. I just never want moments like this to end."

He nods and smiles. As he looks at her, under the floating lights, it's like he's seeing her again for the first time and she's so beautiful.

"Oh, hey, I forgot," Harry notes, "I know you said 'no presents', but I couldn't resist."

"Harry-" she starts, but as he hands her a box she looks at him with joy, "Ooo, a box."

Then he hands her four other boxes, "Harry, what in the world-"

"Don't worry," he laughs quietly, "One from each of us... they couldn't resist either."

She chuckles as she opens each, Ron got her a book on nebulas (her favorites), Fred and George made her a pack of mini fireworks that go off any time she presses the top of the box, Hermione got her a photo album full of pictures that she took this summer and lots of extra blank pages to add to.

"I suppose I need more pictures," she chuckles.

She reaches for Harry's box and unwraps it, there are two letters on top.

"One from me and one from Sirius, his present is in there too. But can you do me a favor and not open my letter until I tell you."

She looks at him quizzically but nods. She opens Sirius' letter.

'Hello darling,

Harry informed me that you didn't want anyone to spend their money on you and while I have more money than I know what to do with, I should respect your wish. So I figured I would give you something I already had in my possession. It was your mother's and I think it might go nicely with your dress. Happy birthday.

All my love,


She sets it down and opens his small box to find a necklace inside. It was a delicate chain with a diamond in the center. She smiles brightly and turns to Harry.

"Would you...?"

"Of course."

She turns around and he brushes her hair to one side before clasping the necklace. She grins as she turns back to him and then opens his box. Inside is a white wizard Poloroid camera.

"I just thought, this way you can print out your pictures instantly..."

"I love it," she hugs him, "thank you."

She holds up her camera and points it at him. As she snaps the picture, he looks from the floating lights to her and smiles. It prints out and she places it in the photo album.

"Perfect," she smiles.

Harry looks at her smiling and wonders if he should ask her about the ball, but decides against it once more as she yawns and lets her head drop onto his shoulder. He smiles and they both drift off to sleep.

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