a boggart

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The trio sit in the Great Hall without Sam. There's only silence between them, still in shock of what they saw. Fred and George waltz up to them and sit on either side of Harry.

"Where's our little S?"

"We haven't seen her all day," Hermione states.

"Actually we haven't really spoken, in three days," Ron corrects.

George looks at all of them, "Um, why?"

Harry, without looking at them says, "Well her boggart was terrifying, for all of us, really."

Fred and George look at each other before asking, "Pray tell, what was it?"

"Well- uh," Ron starts, "it was her, but she has green eyes and uh- we were all there."

"Her magic- um, it was out of her control, I think," Hermione hypothesizes.

"She killed us, all of us," Harry finishes.

Silence envelops them all again.

"And you let her leave?" George asks incredulously.

"You let her leave, thinking that that's who she will become?" Fred asks in anger.

"Even you, Ron?" They ask in unison.

The trio say nothing.

"What a great lot of friends you three are-" Fred says sarcastically.

"Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Whether you were scared or not, remember everything she has done for you. For all of us," George chimes in.

"Pathetic," They both say, "Don't worry, we'll go find her and fix the mess you created."

They step up and out of the hall.

Ron looks between Hermione and Harry, "They're right-"

Harry interrupts as he lets his head fall into his hands, "We blew it."

Till The End | h.pΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα