unknown future

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"Are you thinking there's a Horcrux in Bellatrix's vault?" Hermione inquires as they sit in Sam's room.

"She was terrified when she thought we'd been in there," Harry explains, "She kept asking you what else we'd taken. I bet you anything there's a Horcrux in there, another piece of his soul. Let's find it and kill it, we're one step closer to killing him."

"And what happens when we find it? How are we supposed to destroy it now you've given the sword to Griphook?" Ron inquires.

"I'm still working on that part," Harry admits.

"We need to speak with Ollivander to get a better idea on what we're up against," Sam insists.

Once they're all in agreement, they head over to Ollivander's room and sit down.

"Yes?" He asks quietly.

"Mr. Ollivander," Harry begins, "I need to ask you a few questions."

Sam looks at Harry for a moment and realizes that the job of an Auror was made for Harry. He was born to lead, to be brave and strategic. It never would have mattered if Voldemort hadn't come to Godric's Hollow all those years ago. Harry was destined to be the Chosen One, at least in her eyes.

"Anything, my boy, anything," Ollivander agrees, temporarily snapping Sam out of her thoughts.

Harry steps forward, "Would you mind identifying this wand?"

He hands the wand over to the wand maker and he examines it closely. Sam watches as his hands glide over the wood and her mind begins to wander once more. Before she can get too lost in her thoughts once more, she quietly steps out of the room, leaving the others to finish their interrogation.

She walks down the stairs slowly and sits on the last step. She lets her thoughts race by, but she hears the slight creaking of the steps as Hermione sits down next to her.

"Are you alright?" Hermione inquires.

Sam simply nods to avoid the subject, but she realizes quickly what she's doing, "Actually, no, I'm not sure."

Hermione turns to face her and leans her back up against the railing, waiting for her answer. Sam does the same, but casts her gaze downward to avoid her stare.

"I was just thinking about how Harry would make a great Auror," Sam chuckles slightly.

Hermione gives a half hearted smile, "And why is that so bad?"

Sam shakes her head, "It's not. It's brilliant. The problem is, when I think of my own... my thoughts come up blank."

Hermione stares at her in silence before she continues, "Maybe it's because I'm not meant to have a future, but in all honesty, I can't remember a time where I felt I had a future. I've never dreamt of what my life would look like after Hogwarts. Perhaps, it's meant to be this way."

"I think it's easier for us to see what others will become rather than ourselves," Hermione responds, "I know what I'd like to do and who I'd like to be, but I think it's hard for all of us to imagine a future for ourselves given the state of things. I do think Harry would make a great Auror, I think Ron is still completely undecided, and I'd like to think I'd be the head of one of the departments in the Ministry. For you, though, there is no set path. I've always known that you could be whatever you wanted to be."

"I really don't have as many options as you think," Sam counter argues.

"Oh, please," Hermione scoffs, "You have achieved top marks every year and you are notoriously known as the most powerful witch to ever live. You're brilliant, strategic, compassionate, and a natural leader."

Sam rolls her eyes, "Harry is the one who leads us."

"No, you both lead us," Hermione pushes, "After all these years and everything we've faced, you and Harry both lead. None of us would even be alive if it wasn't for you. You'd be a brilliant Healer, Teacher, and Auror. Godric, you could probably even be the Minister for Magic if you wanted it."

Sam smiles, "No, I do believe they've reserved that position for you, someday."

They both chuckle, but Hermione continues, in a softer voice, "Sam, you can be whoever you want to be. Odds are, you'll have more money than you'll know what to do with at the end of all this."

Her mind drifts back to whether or not she will even live long enough to see that money, "Hermione?"


Sam hesitates for a moment, "There's something I need you to do, but you can't argue or complain."

Hermione stares at her with a serious expression, but nods.

"If I die..." Sam stops for a moment to collect her thoughts, "Will you take care of them? Harry, Ron, Fred and George? I don't want them to be in pain forever."

Silence falls between them before Sam furthers, "And, whatever money I inherit, I want you to split it, amongst the five of you. It might just give you a good start in life."

Hermione licks her lips and stares out the window, over the water, "I'll do everything I can, if you promise to do everything you can to stay alive. No matter what that means for everyone else. You're my best friend, and it won't be a victory if we aren't all standing together at the end."

Sam nods, "I promise."

Hermione lets out a deep sigh, "Do you ever just wish we could go back to the days where our biggest concern was passing our OWLs?"

Sam chuckles, "I don't think that was ever our biggest concern, Mione. We've always had something bigger at play."

The bushy haired girl smiles at her feet, "What I mean is- the days where we could simply go outside and enjoy the sun together, with no worries."

Sam stands slowly and holds her hand out for her best friend, "Everyday. I miss shooting off fireworks, running through the field at the Burrow, cooking with the twins and Ron making an absolute mess-" she laughs at the memories, "taking photos with my family, our sleepovers. I miss dancing with Harry, singing with the twins, talking all hours of the night with you, Ron trying to get me on a broom, and I really miss the days where we would all smile without sadness clouding our eyes."

Hermione gives her a sad smile, "Do you think we will ever find that again?"

Sam returns her half hearted smile, "Someday, when all this is over, I'll make sure that we're a family again."

Hermione pulls her in for a hug and simply holds her there, "We'll always be a family."

Till The End | h.pजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें