dean and cormac

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Sam tells them everything that happened that night and the boys finally calm down enough to not want Malfoy dead. Harry is still adamant about her not talking or being around him, however, every time she tries to figure out why, he changes the subject. He is currently telling her about why he was with Dumbledore that night.

"He wants us to get close to Slughorn. He has something Dumbledore wants, a memory or something," Harry explains as they walk to the Quidditch Pitch.

"But why us?"

"Well, Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, and Samantha Black, the most powerful witch to ever exist. Yeah, not a clue," he answers sarcastically.

She nudges him in the arm and he laughs, "Good luck today," she pulls him in for a hug and kisses his cheek, before joining Hermione in the stands.

Harry grins and walks onto the pitch, "Oi! You lot! So this morning I'm going to be putting you all through a set of drills just to assess your strengths. Remember, just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a spot this year. Is that clear? Good."

Ron looks up to Hermione and Sam. Sam gives him a grin and a big thumbs up, while Hermione gives a small wave. Sam watches as McLaggan walks up next to Ron. He appears to also be going after the Keeper position. Cormac looks up at Hermione and smirks before turning back to Ron.

"He must really have it bad for you," Sam acknowledges.

Hermione grimaces slightly.

Sam continues, "I know how much you like Ron, Hermione. You really should just tell him."

"No, absolutely not. We're just friends, that's all," she responds.

Sam sighs, "Alright, fine, have it your way."

They both watch as everyone gets in their positions to run the drills. Cormac takes one end and Ron takes the other. As they begin to run the drills, Harry hovers on his broom watching how each individual plays and assess their strengths and weaknesses. As Sam and Hermione cheer on Ron, Dean comes up and sits down next to them.

"Oh, hey, Dean," Hermione greets.

"Hey, guys. How are tryouts going?"

"They just started," Sam notes, "Why didn't you try out?"

"I love Quidditch, but I'd rather watch than play," he answers.

Sam laughs, "Yeah, I'm the same way."

They watch as Cormac deflects every quaffle with grace and ease, he continues to smirk and wink at Hermione, who quickly looks away. When it's time for Ron's drills, he does deflect them, but most of the time it seems unintentional. He ends up almost falling off of his broom and Harry looks over to Sam and Hermione who are shouting, "Come on, Ron!"

Harry notices Dean sitting with them and he makes a note to remember that later. When Harry decides to test Cormac again, Hermione mutters, "Confundus."

Cormac jerks to the side and the Quaffle flies through the goal. McLaggan looks around in confusion and Sam smirks.

She nudges Hermione, "Nice one."

Hermione gives a small smile as Dean states, "Looks like Ron is the new Gryffindor Keeper."

As soon as tryouts are over, Dean offers to walk with Sam and Hermione back to the common room. They all walk along the pathway and talk about how they think the upcoming season is going to go.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Sam asks Dean.

He smiles and nods, but Hermione looks at Sam curiously before walking up the stairs to Gryffindor Tower.

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