got you

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The next morning, the boys get out of bed and walk over to the girls' dorm room. They knock slowly and Sam answers the door. She stands there slightly surprised. They hold up her journal and her eyes widen significantly.

"We needed to know," Ron states.

"Can we come in?" Harry asks quietly.

She nods slowly before walking back over to her bed. They shut the door behind them and Hermione stands up. She told Sam what happened at the party and Sam nods at her. Hermione leaves the room. Harry walks over to her bed and she moves to the far side, he slows down.

"Can we sit? We'll sit right here," he asks.

She hesitates, but nods slowly. They both sit down on the edge of the bed and stay silent, not knowing where to even begin.

"Why didn't you tell us, Sam? We would've done something," Ron states in frustration, not with her, but with himself.

She looks at her bed, not able to look them in the eye, "I was ashamed and I was scared that he would hurt me again."

Harry clenches his fists and breathes out loudly trying to control his temper, but she continues, "I didn't want you to blame yourselves and I didn't want you to look at me differently."

"It was my job- it was our job to protect you. You and Hermione are our best friends. We were supposed to keep you safe," Harry states and Sam can hear the pain in his voice, it breaks her heart.

"I should've been able to protect myself."

"No," Ron notes in frustration, "You were terrified. No one can focus when something horrible like that is happening. You freeze up. One of us should've been there."

She shakes her head and they watch as a single tear falls from her cheek to her bed, she opens her mouth to speak but sobs come out. Harry and Ron both reach for her and she frantically jumps up from the bed and over to the wall. Their hearts break as they see her falling apart before them, and there's nothing they can do to stop it. She slides down the wall as sobs erupt from her chest and she brings her knees to her chest. They get up and sit on the floor in front of her, tears of their own slide down their faces.

"It's okay, darling," Harry states, "It's okay. We won't touch you. We can move slow, okay?"

She shakes and nods slowly as her eyes shut tightly. She begins to hyperventilate and Ron holds up his hands.

"Hey, hey, breathe, love. Remember what Fred and George taught you? Tell me five things you see."

She shakes her head as she covers her face with her hands, "I can't, I can't, I can't," her voice shakes and her breathing speeds up.

"Try for me, please," he pleads.

She looks up and slowly looks around, "Red curtains... my bed... Hermione's perfume, you, and Harry."

"You're doing great, love," Harry encourages, "What are four things you can hear?"

Her breathing slows slightly, but remains ragged, "The rain, my breathing, the heater, and kids talking in the common room."

"Okay, last one, what are three things you can smell?" Ron questions.

She smiles slightly, "Petrichor," Harry smiles, "your toothpaste," she looks at Ron, "And Harry's shampoo."

Her breathing becomes regular and they both smile at her.

Harry gives her a reassuring, but small smile, "We'll go slow, okay?"

She nods. Ron and Harry look at each other and seem to know what they're both thinking. They hold out one finger towards her each. She stares at them, confused, before she understands. She slowly lifts her finger and touches each of theirs lightly. They smile at her and she gives a small one in return.

Harry and Ron leave to walk to class. Ron begins to talk about Hermione.

"Look, I can't help it if she's got her knickers in a twist. What Lav and I have, well, let's just say, there's no stopping it. It's chemical. Will it last? Who knows? Point is, I'm a free agent."

Harry rolls his eyes, but smiles nonetheless.

Later that day, he walks through the library with Hermione as she rants.

"He's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes. I really couldn't care less. Was I under the impression he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together? Yes. Now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements."

"Have you?" He asks.

"Yes. Why?"

"Well, I just thought, seeing as neither of us can go with who we'd really like to, we should go together, as friends."

Hermione's mouth falls open, "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Who are you going with?"

"Um, it's a surprise. Anyways, you really should ask Sam. She'll say yes, plus you know Aaron is invited..."

Harry's eyes widen and then he fills with anger again, "We just shouldn't go."

Hermione thinks and then comes up with an idea, "Actually, leave it to me. Still, though, you should take Sam. That's who you want to go with and she isn't going to go with anyone else."

He nods, "You think she'll say yes?"

She looks at him and then hits him over the head with a book, "Are you really that thick? Of course she will. She still loves you. Now, if you don't mind, I have to take care of something."

She walks out of the library and marches down towards the Slytherin common room, bumping into just the person she was looking for.

"Watch where you're going, Granger," Malfoy states, but without his usual snarky tone.

"I need to talk to you."

He looks at her like she just sprouted two heads, so she continues, "Your friend Aaron, sexually assaulted Sam. She can't stand to be within two feet of anyone now without shaking and having a panic attack. If you love her the way I think you do, you'll do something about it."

She walks away without a response. Draco stands still in disbelief, but he thinks back to the few times he's seen her in class or in the halls. Realization dawns on him, she's been withdrawn and sad and she does flinch when anyone gets too close. He can't believe he had been so caught up in his own problems that he didn't even notice. His face morphs into rage and he marches into his common room to find Aaron.

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