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They scope out their options on getting into the Ministry for four weeks while they stay at Grimmauld Place. Once their plan is in motion they make their way to an alley and Ron does the lookout. Sam, Harry and Hermione wait inside an abandoned building for a Ministry worker to walk by. Hermione turns to Sam.

"When we're in there- and I know this is obvious- but you can't let your eyes change, not even once. It'll be a dead giveaway."

"I know, I know, it's horrifying," Sam rolls her eyes.

"Actually, I think it's very attractive," Harry blurts out.

Sam and Hermione both turn to him incredulously and Sam retorts, "Is now really the right time?"

He blushes and pushes his glasses up his nose, "Sorry."

They watch as Ron walks by the door, Sam waves her wand and the woman that had walked by faints. Harry catches her and drags her inside. Once everyone has their respective person, they pluck one hair from each of their heads and drops them into their own vials of Polyjuice Potion.

"Right, remember what we said. Don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary," Hermione warns, "Just try and act normal. Do what everybody else is doing. If we do that, then with a bit of luck, we'll get inside. And then-"

"It gets really tricky," Sam adds.


"This is completely mental," Harry voices his thoughts.

"Completely," Hermione agrees.

"Totally," Sam adds.

"The world's mental. Come on, we've got a Horcrux to find," Ron remarks as he downs his potion.

They down their potions and change into their disguises. They go into separate entrances and make their way to the middle of the entrance hall. Sam and Hermione arrive first. Sam stands next to her as they stare in disgust at the new statue that's replaced the fountain.

Harry walks up to them, "Are those-?"

"Muggles," Hermione responds, "In their... rightful place."

The marble statue shows Muggles being squashed between two boulders as they hold up the witches and wizards. Ron approaches them.

"Gotta tell you, I'm starting to freak out a bit."

'How long did you say this batch of Polyjuice would last, Hermione?" Harry inquires.

She shakes her head, "I didn't."

They walk over to the elevators and they all clamber into one. Before the doors shut, a man named Yaxley pulls the doors apart.

"Cattermole," he looks directly at Ron, "It's still raining inside my office. That's two days now."

Ron shrugs slightly, "Have you tried an umbrella?"

Sam holds in a snigger and Yaxley continues to glare at him, "You do realize I'm going downstairs, don't you, Cattermole?"


"To interrogate your wife. Now, if my wife's blood status were in doubt and the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement needed a job doing, I think I might just make that a priority," he warns, "You have one hour."

He walks away and the doors finally close. Ron looks at them in a state of panic, "Oh my God. What am I gonna do? My wife's all alone downstairs."

Sam sighs, "Ron... you don't have a wife."

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