safe now

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Because of everything that's happened, Hermione won't be joining them at the Burrow for Christmas. Harry, Ron and Sam sit in their compartment on the Hogwarts Express. Harry and Ron sit on one side, so that Sam can have her own space. They've been holding out their fingers one time everyday since the day they found out the truth. Each day it becomes a routine and it's been getting easier, but they haven't done anything else.

Sam was able to convince them not to tell McGonagall or any other teacher. They only agreed when she allowed for either one of them or Hermione to be with her at all times in the hallways. Other than that, they don't talk about what happened, per her request. Today, however, they decide it's necessary.

"You have to tell Fred and George," Ron insists.

"No, absolutely not. It's already painful enough that you know. I don't want to talk about this."

"We have to," Harry continues, "They're going to notice the second you won't let them get close to you."

"Then I'll just avoid them," Sam concludes.

"For the entire holiday? Yeah, because that won't be suspicious at all," Ron states sarcastically.

"We've been working on it, I can handle hugging them," Sam notes.

"Oh really?" Ron asks as he stands up and takes on step towards her.

She flinches and pushes further against the seat, "Exactly."

Sam rolls her eyes and fixes her gaze out the window, but Harry speaks up, "Can I try something?"

Sam looks at him apprehensively, but nods slowly. He stands up slowly and moves to the middle of the compartment before sitting down on her side.

"Is this okay?"

She nods and he holds out his pinky finger. She looks at it and then at him before linking her pinky with his. They stay with their pinkies linked for the rest of the ride to King's Cross and they all smile at the small accomplishment. They step off the train and head for the Burrow. Upon entering, Molly goes to hug all of them, but Sam takes a step back. Molly looks at her in confusion.

"I don't feel too well, I was going to just go lie down," Sam lies.

"Of course, dear. Of course. Dinner will be ready in a few hours and the twins should be arriving here soon. Oh, and a few members of the Order will be here just before Christmas."

They all nod before making their way upstairs. They go their separate ways and Sam begins to dread the twins arrival. How is she going to pull this off? She lays down on her bed and stares up at the ceiling, secretly wishing she could escape and just spend the holiday alone at Grimmauld Place. She ends up falling asleep in the middle of her thoughts. Harry and Ron step into her room and sit there talking to each other. Ever since they found out, no matter where they are, they feel the need to watch over her... just in case.

They hear the front door open and shut and the sound of Fred and George cracking jokes with Molly. They hear the stairs creak and they burst through the door. Sam jumps up, startled.

"Little S," they exclaim as they hold out their arms and run up to her bed.

"No, wait!" Harry shouts.

"Stop!" Ron warns.

Sam jumps out of bed and backs away slowly. The twins look from Harry and Ron and then to Sam in complete confusion.

"What's wrong?" they ask in unison.

"I'm sick," Sam blurts out.

"Well, all the more reason to give you hugs," George argues as he moves closer.

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