her boys

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During the few weeks of just the five of them in the house, Fred and George come up with new inventions and occasionally they'll all sit in on Sam's practices. They learn how they can help in different situations and at night they all sit together talking.

"A Banshee witch can subdue her premonitions by overwhelming emotion. This is one of the times where your emotions can actually help," Sirius informs.

"Well, at least something good can come from it," Sam laughs.

"Yeah, imagine screaming because of a premonition and then killing the person with the scream," Fred notes.

"It's a full 360," Ron adds.

"Yeah, not helping," George remarks.

Sirius gives them more ideas for pranks and items for their shop. Every once in a while they will all make a mess of the kitchen trying to cook. Ron sets several things on fire and Sam throws flour on him and the twins frequently and Sirius sits back and laughs. Normally he ends up fixing the mess and does it properly.

Molly and Arthur arrive at the end of the month, which leads to the beginning of secret meetings. Each week, more people join the meetings including: Kingsley Shacklebolt, Mad-Eye, Nymphadora Tonks, Snape, and even Dumbledore. Ron, Sam, and the twins try several times to listen in the meetings but are never successful. After a few more weeks Hermione finally arrives. Sam meets her at the door and before greeting her asks for a roll of parchment. Hermione hands it over and Sam stuffs it into her pocket. The others greet her and Sam shows her to their shared room.

"Why did you need parchment so badly?" Hermione asks.

"Shh! Sirius spelled all the parchment in the house so I can't write to Harry to tell him what's going on."

"Yeah, but if it's that serious, don't you think it's for a reason?"

"I can't lie to him, Hermione."

She reluctantly nods and Sam begins writing. She doesn't even notice the twins and Ron walk in.

Fred promptly snatches the paper from her and rips it up.

"Fred!" She shouts.

"I'm not going to let your dad ground you from us again!"

"Wait, again?" Hermione questions.

"Yeah, she's tried this before and we all paid the consequences," Ron informs, shaking his head.

"Okay, but did we really?"

"Touche," George responds.

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