weasley's wizarding wheezes

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The next day, they all head into Diagon Alley to grab their school supplies and check out Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. They walk through the alley and notice all the closed down shops, making them sad as they notice how dark everything has become.

"Come on, let's head inside," Ron comments as he guides them all to the front door of the shop.

They open the door and see the absolutely hectic chaos going on around them, everything practically screamed Fred and George. Sam couldn't love it more. As soon as the twins spot them they race down their stairs and envelop Sam into a hug.

"Little S, we've missed you!" Fred exclaims.

They show them around the shop. Harry instantly gravitates towards pitch black rocks.

"Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder," Harry reads..

"A real money spinner, that," Fred notes.

"Handy if you need to make a quick getaway," George explains as he tosses him a rock.

Fred and George make their way back over to Sam and Hermione who stand at a pink glowing fountain.

"Hello, ladies," they say in unison.

"Love potions, eh?" Fred remarks.

"They really do work," George states, "Then again, sis, you're doing just fine on your own."

"Oh, shut up," Sam laughs.

"We've some things to show you, by the way," George alerts.

Sam nods but whispers to Hermione, "McLaggan is staring you down."

Hermione turns to see said boy, smirking at her and she quickly looks away. Fred and George guide Sam to the pastry section and point to the sign above which reads 'Padfoot's Pastries'.

"Considering he gave us that cookbook last year, this section is all his doing anyway," Fred notes with a wide smile.

Sam looks at it in pride, she feels tears well in her eyes but blinks them away, "It's amazing, guys. Truly."

"Also," they remark as Fred tosses her a small velvet bag.

She looks at the label and rolls her eyes, "Banshee Bursts, really?"

"Gives whoever eats them a right nasty ringing in their ears for days," George laughs.

Harry comes up behind Sam and smiles, "Maybe I'll accidently drop some in Dean's lap, since he keeps staring at you."

They all turn to look at Dean, who is, in fact, staring at Sam from across the shop.

"Maybe he just wants to have a word," Sam assures, "Be right back."

She begins to walk down the stairs and the twins lean over to Harry, "Boys are still lining up for her?"

"Mhmm," Harry nods in slight frustration.

"Well, mate, looks like you've got a few admirers yourself," Fred smirks.

He looks over to see a few girls giggling to each other as they stare in his direction.

"Yeah, not interested," Harry chuckles with the twins.

"Good," George laughs.

Sam approaches Dean, "Hey, how was your summer?"

"Oh, it was great. Kinda put out that I didn't hear from you all summer, though," he notes with an embarrassed laugh.

Sam smiles, "I'm sorry, I've just been so busy this summer-"

"With her boyfriend," Ron butts in, wrapping an arm around Sam, "You remember Harry, right?"

Sam rolls her eyes, "The testosterone is choking me, see you at school, Dean."

She walks away as Ron eyes Dean and then follows her, "You do realize he's interested in you, right?"

"Rubbish. He's just trying to... I don't know, improve the friendship."

Harry walks up on her other side, "Yeah, doubt it. Every guy in here, has either had or still has a thing for you."

"And if you two haven't noticed, I'm kinda spoken for," she rolls her eyes and walks back over to Hermione.

A short while later, Ron comes over to Harry, Sam and Hermione, "Come on, let's go."

They move towards the front door when a curly haired curl calls out, "Hi, Ron."

He turns to face her momentarily, "Hi."

He quickly follows after the others and Sam rolls her eyes for the millionth time that day. They look across the alley once more and Hermione turns back to the shop.

"How are Fred and George doing it? Half the Alley's closed down."

Ron catches up with them, "Fred reckons people need a laugh these days."

They continue to walk down the dark street, "I reckon he's right," Harry remarks.

They walk by the wand shop with its windows broken and door busted, "Oh, no," Hermione states, "Everyone got their wands from Ollivander's."

Ron looks across the street, "Guys, is it me, or do Draco and Mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?"

They shift their eyes over to Malfoy's who hurriedly cross the street and look around before entering Borgin and Burkes. They sneak around the corner and stare in through the window. Draco, his mother, and a werewolf Death Eater named Fenrir Greyback, were all surrounding a large black cabinet of sorts. Sam peeks further around the corner, but Draco lifts his head and begins to turn around so Sam immediately leans back. They all look at each other in confusion and suspicion.

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