Chapter 52

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I Like The Man Who Is Said To Be The Villain Chapter 52:
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Because of Su Yunxi's upgrade, the entire Yunbo Base was as happy as a festival.

Yunbo Base is the name of the former fourth security point that was later changed. Why is it called Yunbo, you can figure it out by moving your little head a little.

Although the people outside who have not passed the inspection and entered are unknown, it does not prevent them from dispelling the haze in their hearts in this cheerful atmosphere.

Su Yunxi went back to sleep and went back to the door at night to speed up the detection efficiency. After all, who would be willing to give up such an efficient means of upgrading.

Inside Yunbo Base, Ji Yue sat dazedly in the room, listening to the laughter outside the window. Wanquanhu, as the director of the Grain Bureau, continued to be in charge of logistics and grain after arriving at the base. Under such circumstances, Wanjia's treatment is really good.

Live in the center of the base, which is the safest place. The distance between Su Yunxi and Yu Bai's home was only two hundred meters away. Under Li Xin's intentional or unintentional guidance and urging every day, Ji Yue will go to Ye Zi in about three or two days. Ye Ye lives next to Su Yunxi, and is now the second therapist in the base.

After all, Su Yunxi is the top leader of the base. Even if he wants to have a relationship with the other party, he can't be too disgusting.

Ji Yue's eyes stared out of the window dazedly, lifeless without much brilliance. The timidity and nervousness and sensitivity that she showed in front of Li Xin and Wanquanhu on weekdays disappeared from her at this time.

He gently stroked his stomach with both hands. Because of the fear at the beginning, the development of this child who should have been more than three months was slow, and no one doubted it when he told others that it was only more than one month or two months.

After all, the convex arc is really too small.

Before he knew it, he returned to the days before the apocalypse broke out. Under Su Yunxi's inadvertent guidance, Ji Yue really went to find her boyfriend. After the two were frank with each other, they also decided to go to another city to start from their hearts.

But Ji Yue never thought that her life would eventually be ruined by her relatives.

Wan Liangkai just wanted to see things, and he wanted to conspire against him by relying on his father's power and position. But after the failure, Wan Liangkai himself was a little scared after sobering up.

Later, when she came to the door to propose marriage and even forced her, Ji Yue always thought it was because of Wan Liang Kai's playfulness, but she never thought that there was a dog-headed military officer named Ji Jiadong behind her. Of course, Wan Liangkai is also a real dude. I have done many things to bully men and women, but I used to like to use power to pressure people to give them their own arms. It was the first time that Ji Yue was directly overbearing.

Isn't it a coincidence that the dog-head military division has the same surname as her Ji Yue. Of course a surname, after all, they were born to the same parents.

Recalling the things Ji Jiadong brought out when he and Wei Shi were about to leave at that time, Ji Yue felt nauseated and wanted to vomit.

The strong nausea caused a reaction during pregnancy, Ji Yue quickly covered her mouth and rushed into the bathroom, retching against the toilet for a while. When I woke up in the morning, I didn't eat anything but a glass of milk, and the result of retching was nothing but a burning pain in my throat and intestines.

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