anonymous (hyein x fem reader)

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y/n had been crushing on hyein for months, admiring her from afar and longing to get closer to her. they were in the same class, but y/n was too shy to talk to hyein and express their feelings. whenever they were in the same room, y/n's heart would race, and their palms would sweat. they couldn't help but think that hyein was out of their league.

but one day, y/n decided to take a chance. instead of just daydreaming about hyein, they wanted to do something to show their affection. they came up with a plan: they would leave anonymous love notes for hyein every day until they built up the courage to confess their feelings.

the first note was simple, just a compliment about hyein's outfit. but as the days went by, y/n started to get bolder. they wrote about how much they admired hyein's intelligence and creativity, how they loved the way she laughed, and how they wished they could get to know her better.

y/n was struggling with their own emotions. they wanted to tell hyein how they felt, but they were still too afraid. they worried that hyein would never feel the same way and that they had made a mistake by revealing their feelings anonymously.

y/n's friend haerin didn't understand the lengths to which y/n was going to express their love for hyein. haerin would often scoff at y/n's plan to leave love notes in hyein's locker, thinking that it was a fruitless endeavor. but y/n was determined to continue with their plan, even if it didn't result in anything more than just expressing their feelings.

as the days passed, y/n's heart raced with every note they left in hyein's locker. they would linger around the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of hyein's reaction when she discovered the note. but they never did. hyein remained silent, and y/n was left wondering if their love letters had made any impact at all.

one day, y/n decided to switch things up. they left a note in hyein's backpack instead of her locker, hoping it would catch her by surprise. y/n's heart raced as they imagined hyein finding the note and finally realizing how y/n felt about her.

days passed, and y/n heard nothing from hyein. they started to wonder if hyein had found the note at all. maybe it had fallen out of her backpack, or maybe someone else had taken it.

as time went by, y/n realized that their anonymous love letter plan wasn't working. they wanted to tell hyein how they felt, but they didn't know how to do it without making things awkward between them.

as y/n made their way to school the next day, they felt a strange mix of excitement and nerves. they couldn't help but wonder if hyein had seen the note yet, and what her reaction might be.

when they arrived at their classroom, y/n saw hyein sitting at her desk, looking at something in her hand. their heart raced as they approached her, wondering if it was the note.

"good morning, hyein," y/n said, trying to sound casual.

hyein looked up and smiled, tucking the note into her backpack. "good morning, y/n. how are you today?"

"i'm doing well, thanks," y/n said, trying to keep their voice steady. "did you...did you happen to find something in your locker this morning?"

hyein's smile grew wider. "yes, i did. and i wanted to say the note was really sweet."

as time passed, y/n began to feel frustrated with their anonymous approach. they longed to tell hyein how they truly felt, but the fear of rejection held them back.

one day, as y/n was walking to class, they spotted hyein sitting alone in the school courtyard, reading a book. y/n's heart skipped a beat, and they couldn't resist the urge to approach her.

"hey, hyein," y/n said, feeling nervous. "do you mind if i sit with you?"

hyein looked up, surprised but pleased to see y/n. "of course, go ahead," she said, making space for y/n on the bench.

y/n sat down next to hyein, feeling their heart race with excitement and anxiety. they didn't know how to start the conversation, so they blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"i...i wanted to thank you for something," y/n said, looking down at their hands.

hyein looked at y/n with interest. "thank me? for what?"

y/n took a deep breath and looked up, meeting hyein's gaze. "for being you," they said, their voice barely above a whisper.

hyein's eyes widened, and she looked surprised but touched. "what do you mean?"

y/n took another deep breath, feeling their cheeks flush with embarrassment. "i've been leaving anonymous love notes for you, hyein. i know it's silly, but i just wanted to show you how much i admire and care for you."

hyein's expression softened, and she looked at y/n with a mixture of surprise and tenderness. " wrote those notes?" she asked, sounding a little breathless.

y/n nodded, feeling their heart race with anticipation. "yes, it was me. i'm sorry if it's weird or awkward. i just couldn't help but express my feelings in some way."

hyein smiled, her eyes shining with emotion. "it's not weird or awkward, y/n. it''s really sweet, actually. i had no idea...i mean, i had a feeling that someone was leaving those notes for me, but i never guessed it was you."

y/n felt a sense of relief wash over them, and they couldn't help but smile back at hyein. "i'm glad you liked them," they said, feeling a weight lifted off their chest.

hyein chuckled softly, looking at y/n with affection. "i didn't just like them, y/n. i...i was really touched by them. they made me feel special and appreciated. and...i have to admit, i've been curious about who was behind them."

y/n felt their heart race with hope, and they took a deep breath, feeling a surge of courage. "hyein...i know this might be sudden, but...i have feelings for you. real feelings, not just the kind you write about in love notes. i care about you, and i want to get to know you better. would you...would you like to go out with me sometime?"

hyein's eyes widened, and she looked at y/n with surprise and disbelief. " want to go out with me?" she asked, sounding a little stunned.

y/n nodded, feeling their heart race with anticipation. "yes, i do. i know it might be scary or weird, but i just had to tell you how i felt. and if you don't feel the same way, i understand. i just...i had to take the chance."

hyein looked at y/n for a long moment, her expression unreadable.

she finally smiled and nodded, her eyes shining with excitement. "yes, i would love to go on a date with you, y/n."

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