don't be shy (minji x fem reader)

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minji and y/n had never gotten along. they were constantly at each other's throats, arguing and bickering over the smallest things. but when the zombie apocalypse hit their school, they found themselves thrown together in a fight for survival.

y/n was hiding behind a couch in the clubroom, surrounded by zombies. she had nowhere to run and was starting to lose hope. just as she thought it was all over, she heard the door creak open and saw minji cautiously walk in to hide.

y/n was surprised to see minji there, but she didn't have time to dwell on it. she saw that a zombie was about to spot minji and pulled her behind the sofa with her. minji landed on top of y/n, and y/n couldn't help but tease her.

"well, well, well. look who's on top now," y/n said, smirking.

minji rolled her eyes. "this is not the time for your jokes, y/n. we need to focus on getting out of here alive."

y/n nodded, but in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but think about how close minji was. she had always found her annoying, but now, with the weight of the situation bearing down on them, she couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards her.

"you know, minji, i never thought i'd see the day where you were on top of me," y/n teased, winking at minji.

minji raised an eyebrow. "is that so? because i could say the same thing about you."

y/n blushed, not expecting minji to turn the tables on her. she had always been the one to make snarky comments and teasing remarks, but now minji was giving her a taste of her own medicine.

as they sat there, waiting for the zombies to pass, minji continued to tease y/n, making her blush and feel flustered. she had never seen this side of minji before, and she couldn't help but be drawn to her even more.

y/n was distracted by minji's lips. she stared at her plump lips, wondering how soft they would feel. she slowly leaned in to kiss her, and minji smirked.

minji placed a finger on y/n's lips, pushing her away. "not now, y/n. we still have to try and survive this. you should save these for later."

y/n couldn't help but feel disappointed as minji pushed her away. she had been so lost in the moment that she had forgotten about the danger they were in. but minji seemed to enjoy teasing her, as she continued to make suggestive comments and playful gestures.

as they made their way through the school, fighting off zombies and searching for a way out, minji would occasionally brush up against y/n, causing her to blush and feel flustered. she even leaned in close to whisper in y/n's ear, making her heart race with anticipation.

"you know, y/n, i never realized how attractive you are when you're covered in zombie blood," minji said, smirking.

y/n couldn't believe what she was hearing. was minji actually flirting with her in the middle of a zombie apocalypse? she didn't know how to respond, so she just blushed and looked away.

minji chuckled. "don't be shy, y/n. you know you want me."

y/n couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards minji, but she also knew that now was not the time for romance. they had to focus on surviving and finding a way out of this nightmare.

but as they continued to fight their way through the school, y/n couldn't help but feel drawn to minji's playful teasing. maybe, just maybe, once they were safe and out of danger, they could explore this attraction between them.

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