distance (haerin x fem reader)

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haerin and y/n had been in a long-distance relationship for months. they had met while studying abroad in college, and they had fallen in love during their time together.

but when y/n had to return home to her country, they had been forced to navigate the challenges of a long-distance relationship.

they missed each other terribly, but they made the most of their time apart by talking on the phone, texting, and video chatting as much as possible.

y/n was feeling down. she texted haerin but there was no reply. it was left unsent for a day and y/n was feeling terrible. she tried calling haerin too but there was no answer.

she started overthinking and got worried.

as she was sitting on her couch, feeling lost and alone, she heard a knock at the door. she got up to answer it, wondering who it could be.

when she opened the door, she couldn't believe her eyes. there stood haerin, wearing a huge grin on her face.

"surprise!" haerin exclaimed, stepping forward to hug y/n tightly.

y/n felt tears sting her eyes as she hugged haerin back. "haerin! what are you doing here?" she asked in disbelief.

"i wanted to surprise you," haerin replied with a grin.

y/n felt her heart swell with love for haerin. she couldn't believe how much she cared for her. "i'm so happy you're here," she said.

y/n hugged her tightly, overwhelmed by emotions at the sight of haerin.

"come on, let's make dinner, and you can show me around your apartment," haerin suggested, breaking the embrace and taking y/n's hand.

y/n nodded, feeling grateful for haerin's presence. they walked into the kitchen, and haerin wrapped her arms around y/n from behind, nuzzling her neck.

y/n giggled, feeling haerin's warm breath on her skin. "haerin, we need to focus on cooking," she said, trying to sound stern but failing as she felt haerin's lips on her neck.

haerin chuckled, pulling away slightly. "you're right. let's get started."

they got to work, chopping vegetables and marinating chicken. but as they cooked, they kept getting distracted by each other, stealing kisses and hugs.

y/n couldn't help but feel grateful for haerin's surprise visit. it was exactly what she needed to lift her spirits and remind her of the love they shared.

as they sat down to eat their dinner, y/n looked at haerin with a smile. "thank you for coming," she said.

haerin smiled back, reaching across the table to take y/n's hand. "i'll always be here for you, no matter the distance," she said.

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