too sweet (hanni x fem reader)

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y/n and hanni were enjoying a cozy evening with their friends, minji, haerin, danielle, and hyein. they had gathered together to watch a movie, settling down on the couch with snacks in hand. y/n had brought some candy, munching on it happily as the movie began.

hanni, feeling comfortable and content, lay her head on y/n's lap, snuggling close to her. they exchanged gentle smiles, relishing in the warmth of their connection amidst the laughter and chatter of their friends.

as the movie progressed, their friends couldn't help but notice the delicious-looking candy y/n was enjoying. curiosity sparked in their eyes, and they playfully asked for a piece. y/n happily obliged, passing around the candy, making sure everyone got a share.

"hey, y/n, those candies look delicious. mind if i have one?" minji asked.

"of course not, minji! here, take one," y/n said, passing a candy to minji, who eagerly accepted it and popped it into her mouth.

"y/n, don't forget to share with the rest of us!" danielle joked. y/n grinned and proceeded to pass candies to haerin, danielle, and hyein, making sure everyone had a taste of the sweet treats.

"hmm, y/n, i think you missed someone. where's hanni unnie's candy?" hyein teased.

"it's alright, hyein. i don't need one," hanni said as she blushed, looking up at y/n.

"oh, but hanni definitely deserves a candy," y/n said, her lips curving up into a small smile.

with a mischievous glint in her eyes, y/n took a piece of candy and held it between her lips. she leaned in toward hanni, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. the room fell into a hushed silence as all eyes fixated on the intimate exchange about to take place.

hanni, caught off guard by y/n's unexpected move, felt her cheeks flush with a rosy hue. her eyes widened with a mix of surprise and delight as she instinctively pulled y/n closer. their friends watched in awe, knowing they were witnessing a sweet moment.

in a tender moment, y/n kissed hanni softly, the sweet candy passing from y/n's mouth to hanni's. the room filled with affectionate giggles and playful exclamations from their friends, who found themselves being unintentional witnesses to their intimate gesture.

y/n slid her tongue in hanni's mouth, passing the candy to her. hanni pulled y/n closer, deepening the kiss while accepting the candy.

as y/n and hanni broke the kiss, their gazes locked, conveying a profound sense of love and understanding. a soft, shared smile played on their lips, a silent affirmation of their love's depth. the room, still buzzing with the energy of the moment, slowly returned to its lively atmosphere, filled with giddy laughter and gleeful remarks.

hanni couldn't help but display a cute gummy smile, feeling a rush of warmth and adoration for y/n. the sweet taste of the candy mingled with the sweetness of their connection, deepening their bond even further.

haerin, ever the witty one, couldn't resist making a sarcastic comment. "wow, could you two get any sweeter? we might need to call the dentist after this," she teased, earning chuckles from the group.

y/n and hanni shared a knowing glance, their love for each other shining brightly in their eyes. they didn't mind the playful banter; in fact, they reveled in it, grateful for the supportive and lighthearted atmosphere created by their friends.

the movie continued, but the focus had shifted. the bond between y/n and hanni, now sealed with a candy-kissed memory, became the silent centerpiece of the evening.

their friends, while teasing them occasionally, couldn't help but admire the love and tenderness shared between the couple.

as the credits rolled and the evening drew to a close, y/n and hanni found themselves wrapped in each other's arms, content in the presence of their friends and the warmth of their love.

the sweetness of the candy and the playful banter became cherished moments etched in their hearts, reminding them of the joy they found in each other's company.

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