ripped pt.2 (danielle x fem reader)

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months had passed since the painful breakup, and danielle was still struggling to move on. she would have good days where she felt like she was making progress, but then she would have days where the pain was just as raw as the day it happened.

danielle had lost her weight and had stopped caring about her appearance. she stopped going out with friends and avoided places where she might run into y/n. she spent most of her time at home, watching tv and crying herself to sleep at night.

one day, while scrolling through social media, danielle saw a picture of y/n with someone new. it was a picture of her and a girl named sullyoon, smiling and looking happy together. danielle's heart sank as she realized that y/n had moved on.

she couldn't believe that y/n really found someone else so quickly after their breakup.

danielle was still struggling to get out of bed each morning, and here was y/n, already with a new partner, looking happy and content.

danielle felt a mix of emotions. she was hurt and angry that y/n could move on so quickly, but she was also curious about who this new person was that had captured her attention.

as much as Danielle didn't want to admit it, she found herself stalking sullyoon's social media pages. she would spend hours scrolling through her pictures, trying to figure out what y/n saw in her.

but the more she looked, the more she realized that sullyoon was someone specia to y/n. she was smart, beautiful, and had a great sense of humor. danielle couldn't help but feel jealous of the connection that y/n and sullyoon seemed to share.

one day, danielle was out running errands when she bumped into y/n and sullyoon at the grocery store. danielle froze when she saw them, unsure of what to do.

y/n looked shocked to see danielle there and hesitated for a moment before speaking. "hey, danielle," she said, awkwardly. "how are you?"

"I'm fine," danielle replied, her voice shaky. "nice to meet you," she turned to sullyoon.

"nice to meet you too," sullyoon said, smiling warmly at danielle. "y/n has told me a lot about you."

the three of them stood there in awkward silence for a moment before y/n spoke up. "well, we should get going," she said. "it was nice seeing you... danielle."

as y/n and sullyoon walked away, danielle felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest. seeing them together made her realize that there was no going back, that y/n had moved on, and that her chance with her was gone forever.

danielle spent the rest of the day in bed, crying and feeling sorry for herself.

but as the days passed, something shifted in her. she started to realize that seeing y/n and sullyoon together wasn't the end of the world. it was just a new chapter in her life, and she needed to find a way to move on.

with that realization, danielle started to make changes in her life. she started to exercise and eat better, and she began to take pride in her appearance again. she reconnected with old friends and started to go out more, even if it was just for a walk in the park.

and slowly but surely, danielle began to heal. she realised that her life was much bigger than just one person and that she had the power to create a new, happy future for herself.

she didn't need y/n at all. all she needed was herself.

girlboss moment

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