accusation (minji x fem reader)

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"why were you with hanni earlier? I saw her holding your hand! is there any reason for that?"

"what? no, I'm not cheating on you. hanni was-"

"then why was she holding your hand?" minji asked.

earlier, minji had witnessed y/n with hanni in class. at first, she took it as a friendly thing, but she noticed y/n placing her head on the table and hanni patting her back.

then, it got worse when hanni held y/n's hand and walked her out of the class.

"just tell me y/n! just admit that you are cheating on me!"

"minji, I'm really not..." y/n replied softly, feeling uncomfortable.

minji's accusations were getting more and more intense, and y/n was feeling overwhelmed. she couldn't believe that minji would accuse her of cheating, especially when she had done nothing wrong.

"minji, i'm not cheating on you," y/n said firmly, trying to stay calm. "hanni was just helping me because i wasn't feeling well."

"then why was she holding your hand?" minji demanded, her voice rising.

y/n took a deep breath, trying to remain composed. "i was feeling dizzy and lightheaded, and she was just helping me walk. that's all."

but minji wasn't convinced. "i saw her holding your hand," she said, her eyes narrowing. "there has to be something going on between you two."

y/n tried to explain that hanni was just being a good friend, but minji wouldn't listen. she was too consumed by her jealousy and suspicion to see reason.

"just tell me the truth, y/n," minji said, her voice breaking. "are you cheating on me?"

y/n felt a lump form in her throat. she couldn't believe that minji would accuse her of something so hurtful. "no, i'm not," she said softly. "i would never do that to you."

but before she could say anything else, y/n suddenly felt dizzy and faint. she tried to stand up, but her legs gave out, and she collapsed onto the floor "y/n!" minji rushed to help her. "hey, are you okay?" minji lightly tapped on y/n's cheeks.

she quickly carried her in her arms to the nurse's office.

once they arrived at the nurse's office, minji gently laid y/n down on the bed and called for the nurse. she explained what had happened and watched as the nurse checked y/n's vitals.

"oh my god! is y/n okay?" hanni burst into the room and asked minji. "i told her to ask you to take her home earlier. she didn't tell you to, did she?"

"no..." minji answered softly. she had clearly misjudged the situation. seeing how caring hanni was to her girlfriend made her feel guilty.

"i thought she was cheating on me with you, because you were holding hands."

"cheating? no way, y/n is not someone like that. and i don't like her that way. she was just not feeling well so i helped her."

they stood there in silence. y/n slowly stirred awake and minji rushed to help her sit up.

the nurse handed y/n a glass of water anfd left the girls alone to solve their own drama.

"are you feeling better, y/n?" minji asked, concern etched on her face.

y/n nodded weakly, still feeling a bit dizzy. "yeah, i think so," she said softly.

minji sat down besideher, looking at her with a mixture of concern and guilt. "i'm sorry," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "i should have believed you."

y/n mustered a small smile. "it's okay, minji," she said. "i understand why you were upset."

"but i shouldn't have accused you of cheating," minji said, tears welling up in her eyes. "i should have trusted you."

y/n reached out and took minji's hand. "it's okay," she said. "i forgive you."

hanni smiled at the two of them, relieved to see that things were starting to get back to normal. "i'm just glad you're okay, y/n," she said.

y/n nodded, grateful for her friends' concern. "thanks, hanni," she said. "and thanks for helping me earlier."

hanni smiled. "of course," she said. "that's what friends are for."


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