roommates pt.2 (hanni x fem reader)

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"why am I not allowed to let danielle stay here?"

"because, it's our dorm. and it's against the rules for her to stay at someone else's dorm!"

"that's because she is sick! no one is at her dorm to take care of her. it's better if she is here since there is two of us taking care of her!"

"since when did I agree to taking care of her?"

"I said so."

"doesn't make it okay!"

"it does. she is not feeling well. we'll just let her stay for a day until haerin comes back. also, why is this a problem to you, when you always bring your boy toy here?"

"he comes here on his own, and he is not staying overnight."

hanni moved closer to y/n and placed her hands at her hips. "at least, have some empathy! I wouldn't leave you alone if you were unwell."

"ha... are you trying to intimidate me?"

"so what if I am?"

"you're too short and cute to be doing that."

"can you guys just stop fighting? I'll leave if y/n doesn't want me here," danielle spoke up quietly after watching the two fight.

"you can stay," y/n said.

"what was the point of fighting with me man?"

"I wanted to piss you off."

""can I sleep with you?" hanni knocked on y/n's door. she wore her pyjamas and was hugging onto her pillow, making her look cute.


"danielle is unwell, I don't wanna catch the flu."

"you're the one who wanted to take care of her."

"I know. the room is just next door and if she has anything, she can just.. yell or call me or something."

"... fine."

hanni entered the cozy room. y/n closed the door and went to lay on the bed with hanni next to her. as they settled into bed, y/n and hanni both felt their eyes grow heavy with sleep.

the room was quiet, except for the sound of their breathing and the gentle hum of the air conditioning.

witthout realising it, y/n's body shifted, and she unconsciously wrapped her arms around hanni, pulling her close.

hanni's heart fluttered at the touch, and she couldn't help but feel a warmth spread throughout her body.

for a few moments, they lay there like that, with y/n holding hanni close in her sleep. hanni didn't want to wake y/n, so she simply closed her eyes and leaned into the embrace, enjoying the feeling of being held.

she turned around slightly, watching y/n. their faces were close and hanni could feel y/n's soft breathing on her face.

she slowly leaned in, gently pecking y/n's lips.

as hanni lay there, lost in her thoughts, she suddenly felt y/n stir. y/n's eyes slowly opened, and she looked at hanni with a dazed expression.

at first, hanni was worried that y/n would be upset or confused about what had just happened. but then, to her surprise, y/n leaned in and kissed her back, her lips soft and warm against hanni's.

the kiss was gentle at first, but then it deepened, and hanni felt a rush of desire coursing through her body. she wrapped her arms around y/n, pulling her closer, as their tongues danced together in a passionate embrace.

for a few moments, they lost themselves in the kiss, lost in the intensity of their desire for each other. when they finally pulled back, they were both breathless and flushed with passion.

hanni looked at y/n, her heart racing with excitement and fear. she didn't know what would come next, but she knew that she wanted to be with y/n, no matter what.

y/n smiled at hanni, her eyes filled with affection and warmth. "I never knew," she whispered, her voice soft and gentle. "I never knew how much I wanted this."

"what about your boyfriend?"

"I'll break up with him, for you."

hanni smiled back, feeling a sense of relief and joy wash over her. she knew that they had a lot more to talk about, but for now, she was content just to be in y/n's arms, feeling the warmth of her embrace and the softness of her lips against her own.

as they lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, hanni knew that everything would be okay. she had taken a risk and opened up to y/n, and in return, y/n had shown her that her feelings were reciprocated.

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