tragic (minji x fem reader)

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y/n and minji had been dating for a few months now and things had been going great. but lately, they had been arguing a lot, and it seemed like they just couldn't see eye to eye on anything.

one day, after a particularly heated argument, minji had enough and told y/n to leave her apartment. y/n sighed and gathered her things before walking out the door, feeling hurt and confused.

she wandered the streets for a while, feeling lost and alone. but as she walked past a convenience store, she saw a drink that she knew minji loved. y/n hesitated for a moment before deciding to buy it as a peace offering.

as y/n was about to leave the store, she heard the sound of glass breaking and turned around to see a man with a gun holding up the cashier. y/n froze in fear as the man turned towards her, pointing the gun directly at her.

"give me your wallet and your phone!" the man demanded, and y/n handed them over, shaking.

but suddenly, there was a loud bang, and y/n felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. she stumbled backward, feeling dizzy as blood began to soak through her shirt.

the robber ran out of the store, and y/n collapsed to the ground, struggling to stay conscious. the last thing she remembered was the sound of sirens and someone calling her name.

minji was at home, regretting what had happened with y/n. she knew that they needed to talk things out and make things right between them, but she didn't know where to start.

suddenly, her phone rang, and she saw that it was from an unknown number. she hesitated for a moment before answering it.

"hello?" she said.

"is this minji?" a voice asked on the other end.

"yes, who is this?"

"this is the hospital. we have y/n here. she's been shot, and we need you to come down here as soon as possible."

minji's heart stopped, and she felt a wave of panic wash over her. she grabbed her keys and ran out of the door, not even bothering to change out of her pajamas.

when she arrived at the hospital, she saw y/n lying in a hospital bed, pale and weak. minji rushed over to her side, tears streaming down her face.

"oh my god, y/n, i'm so sorry," minji cried, taking y/n's hand in hers.

minji stayed by y/n's side all night, holding her hand and praying that she would be okay. minji noticed a drink sitting on the side table, the one that she knew y/n had bought for her.

"y/n, you have to wake up. i'm sorry..."

as she held y/n's hand, minji couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and regret wash over her. she knew she had been too harsh on y/n, and now she was paying the price.

"why did i have to be so stubborn?" minji whispered, tears streaming down her face. "why couldn't i just listen to her and understand where she was coming from?"

the doctors came in and out of the room, checking y/n's vital signs and administering medication. minji watched them with a heavy heart, praying that y/n would pull through.

as the hours turned into days, minji spent every moment by y/n's side. she held her hand, talked to her, and played her favorite songs on her phone. she even brought in the drink that y/n had bought for her, placing it on the table next to the bed.

days turned into weeks, and minji never left y/n's side. she slept on a chair next to the bed, waking up every few hours to check on her. she was determined to be there for y/n no matter what.

one day, as minji sat by y/n's side, holding her hand, she felt a slight movement. y/n's fingers twitched, and her eyelids fluttered open.

"y/n?" minji said, her heart racing with hope.

y/n's eyes slowly focused on minji's face, and a weak smile crossed her lips.

"minji," y/n whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.

tears streamed down minji's face as she leaned in to hug y/n, careful not to hurt her.

"i'm so sorry, y/n," minji said, her voice choked with emotion. "i never should have kicked you out. i was wrong, and i know that now. i love you so much, and i promise to make it up to you."

y/n smiled weakly and squeezed minji's hand. "i love you too," she said.

as y/n slowly recovered in the hospital, minji stayed by her side, determined to be the best girlfriend she could be. she made sure that y/n had everything she needed, from food and water to books and movies.

y/n's recovery was slow, but steady. she had to undergo physical therapy to regain the use of her arm, and the doctors warned that she may never have full mobility again.

but y/n was determined to heal and get back to her life. and with minji by her side, supporting her every step of the way, she knew that she could do it.


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