art of seduction (hanni x fem reader)

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y/n had a big crush on jake, but she didn't know how to get him to notice her. she turned to her classmate, hanni, who had dated quite a bit, for advice.

"hanni, i need your help. i really like jake, but i don't know how to make him like me back," y/n confided in hanni.

hanni smiled knowingly. "don't worry, i've got this. i'll teach you how to seduce him."

hanni proceeded to give y/n a crash course in seduction, teaching her how to flirt, dress provocatively, and use body language to her advantage. y/n was nervous but excited to try out her newfound skills.

a few days later, y/n spotted jake at school and decided to put hanni's teachings to the test. she sauntered over to him, batting her eyelashes and twirling her hair.

"hey, jake. what are you up to?" y/n purred.

jake looked up, clearly surprised. "oh, hey, y/n. not much, just hanging out."

y/n continued to flirt with him, using the techniques hanni had taught her, and to her delight, jake seemed to be responding positively.

as the days went on, y/n and jake started hanging out more, and y/n felt her feelings for him growing stronger.

hanni and y/n met up frequently, and hanni would often teach y/n new things to help her get closer to jake. they would practice flirting techniques and discuss ways to start conversations with him.

one day, while they were practicing, hanni decided to give y/n an example of how to initiate physical contact.

"here, let me show you," hanni said, taking y/n's hand in hers. "if you want to show someone that you're interested in them, you can start with a simple touch like this."

y/n felt a spark of electricity run through her body as hanni's hand touched hers. she looked up into hanni's eyes and felt her heart skip a beat.

hanni seemed to feel it too, as she hesitated for a moment before pulling her hand away. "sorry, i got carried away," she said, blushing.

y/n smiled, feeling a rush of excitement. she had never thought of hanni in that way before, but now she realised that she was attracted to her too.

as they continued to practice, hanni found herself becoming more and more aware of her feelings for y/n. she couldn't help but notice the way y/n's eyes sparkled when she laughed, or the way her hair fell in soft waves around her face.

for a moment, hanni forgot all about jake and focused solely on y/n. she wanted to kiss her,to feel her lips on hers, to see if the electricity she had felt before was real.

but just as she was about to lean in, y/n pulled away. "hanni, are you okay?" she asked, looking concerned.

hanni shook her head, trying to snap out of her daze. "yeah, i'm fine. sorry, i got carried away."

y/n smiled understandingly. "it's okay."

as time went by, hanni couldn't help but feel more and more jealous of y/n's interactions with jake. she noticed how y/n was always smiling and laughing around him, and how he actually seemed to enjoy her presence.

hanni tried to push her jealousy aside and be happy for y/n, but it was getting harder and harder to do so. she found herself feeling resentful towards jake, even though she knew it wasn't his fault.

one day, while they were out practicing their flirting techniques, hanni couldn't take it anymore. she had been holding back her feelings for y/n for too long, and it was starting to consume her.

"y/n, you know, you don't have to try so hard to get his attention. it kinda feels like you just changed yourself for him. you deserve someone who loves you the way you are."

"you mean, someone like you?" y/n asked, pulling hanni closer by the waist. hanni was surprised that y/n was using techniques she was taught onher.


"hanni, it's really obvious," y/n whispered.

"what is?"

"the way you look at me, and you wanting to kiss me."

"... i'm sorry, y/n. i didn't mean to do any of those."

"it's okay," y/n said, tucking a strand of hair behind hanni's ear.

"what are you-" hanni was cut off when y/n abruptly placed her lips on hers. hanni reacted just as quick, pulling y/n closer.

"i know, hanni. i know you like me. and i started feeling the same way too. i decided to just be friends with jake after the day you almost kissed me."

"really? then why do you still hang out with him and use what i taught you?"

"we are just hanging out as friends. as for why i still use what you taught... you just look really cute when you are jealous."

hanni felt a wave of relief wash over her as y/n explained. she had been holding back her feelings for too long, and it felt liberating to finally confess them to y/n.

they leaned in to kiss again. it was a gentle yet passionate kiss they shared. they slowly kissed as they moved towards the bed.

y/n pushed hanni on the bed, slowly crawling on top of her. hanni grinned widely as she pulled y/n closer, kissing her more roughly this time.

"i waited too damn long for this," y/n said as she tugged on hanni's hoodie.

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