bite me (haerin x fem reader)

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y/n had just transferred to a new school, and she felt nervous and out of place. she didn't know anyone, and the school was much bigger than her old one.

she had always been shy and introverted, and she worried that she wouldn't be able to make friends.

as she walked into the school building, she felt a knot forming in her stomach. the halls were crowded with students, all of them rushing to their classes. y/n felt overwhelmed by the noise and the chaos.

she tried to find her way to her first class, but she quickly got lost in the maze of hallways and staircases. she felt her heart racing with anxiety, and she wondered if she had made a mistake by transferring to this school.

but then she saw someone walking towards her, a girl with short hair and a friendly smile. "hey," the girl said, her voice warm and welcoming. "are you new here?"

y/n nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "yes," she said, her voice soft and hesitant. "I'm a transfer student."

the girl smiled, then introduced herself as haerin. she offered to show y/n around the school and help her find her first class.

y/n felt a sense of gratitude and relief, and she followed haerin as she led her through the maze of hallways and staircases.

as they walked, hawrin asked y/n about herself, her interests and hobbies. y/n felt shy at first, but haerin was easy to talk to, and she soon found herself opening up.

they bonded over their shared love of books and music, and by the time they reached y/n's first class, y/n felt like she had found a true friend.

over the next few weeks, y/n and haerin spent more and more time together, exploring the school and hanging out after class.

y/n felt like she had finally found a place where she belonged, and she was grateful for haerin's friendship.

but then something strange happened. one day, as they were walking home from school, haerin's eyes began to glow with a fierce intensity, and she looked at y/n with a piercing stare.

"haerin, are you okay?" y/n asked, her voice filled with concern.

haerin shook her head, struggling to control her hunger. "I need to feed," she said, her voice low and strained. "I can't hold back anymore."

y/n felt a wave of fear wash over her. she had never seen haerin like this before, and she didn't know what to do.

"you're a vampire?"

"I'm sorry I never told you! I'm really desperate and I need to feed right now," haerin said, gasping. "go away, y/n. I don't want you in danger."

y/n felt a mix of shock and confusion. she didn't know how to react. but then she looked at haerin, and she saw the fear and desperation in her eyes.

"haerin, it's okay," y/n said, her voice soft and reassuring. "I'm not scared. and I want to help you."

haerin looked at y/n with surprise and gratitude. "really?" she asked, her voice filled with emotion.

"bite me," y/n said as she pulled on her shirt, exposing her neck for haerin.

without hesitation, haerin moves forward, her hand holding onto y/n's shoulder. her teeth grazed y/n's neck, making y/n shiver and a moan escaped her mouth.

haerin's fangs sank into y/n's skin, drawing out her blood with a fierce intensity. y/n felt a mix of fear and desire coursing through her body as haerin drank from her.

but even as she felt the pain and pleasure, she also felt a sense of connection and intimacy with haerin, a sense of trust and love that she had never experienced before.

finally, after what felt like an eternity, haerin pulled back, her lips stained with y/n's blood. y/n looked at haerin with a mix of fear and desire, feeling a sense of connection that she had never felt before.

she then stumbled a bit, feeling dizzy from the loss of blood. haerin caught y/n before she could fall, holding her steady. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice filled with concern. "I didn't mean to take so much. are you okay?"

y/n nodded weakly, feeling a bit lightheaded. "I'm okay," she said, her voice soft and shaky.

haerin nodded, then helped y/n to a nearby bench. she sat down next to her, her eyes filled with worry.

"I'm sorry I scared you," haerin said, her voice low and contrite. "I should have told you about what I am from the beginning."

"it's okay," y/n said, her voice still weak. "I'm just glad that you're okay. and I want you to know that I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

haerin looked at y/n with gratitude and relief. "thank you for letting me feed on you," she said, her voice soft and sincere.

"you're welcome. you're also welcome to bite me anytime you would like to."

thoughts on this? I wanna make a full story based on this

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