remembrance (minji x fem reader)

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princess minji was kind-hearted and compassionate. everyone in the kingdom loved and appreciated her.

but she hated herself. princess minji had always known she was different from other girls.

while the other princesses would giggle and flirt with the princes, minji would often find herself admiring the beauty and grace of the other girls.

she hated that. she hated how she wouldn't bat an eye at any princes. she never said anything to anyone.

the king and queen and the rest of the royal family always talked about finding a suitable husband for her. and while she smiled and nodded along, deep down, she felt like she was living a lie.

minji knew that if she expressed her true feelings, she would be shunned and ridiculed by everyone in the kingdom, including her own family. so she tried her best to ignore her feelings and bury them deep inside.

that was until she met y/n, the new young servant of the palace.

y/n was very kind and sweet to her, making sure princess minji always felt comfortable.

but she couldn't tell anyone about her feelings, not even y/n. the fear of rejection and humiliation was too great.

"y/n, you have been so kind to me since you arrived. I don't know what I would do without you," minji said with a small smile.

"it's my pleasure, your highness. I am here to serve you," y/n replied with a bow.

minji couldn't help but feel a warmth spread in her chest at y/n's words. she had never felt this way before, not even with the other princes and princesses who had courted her in the past. but she knew she couldn't act on her feelings.

the fear of rejection and humiliation was too great so she tried to suppress her feelings.

the way her heart fluttered when y/n was near, the way she looked forward to their conversations and interactions - it was all too much for minji to handle.

as time passed, minji found herself falling deeper in love with y/n, but still, she couldn't bring herself to confess her feelings.

the thought of her family shaming her was unbearable. their expectations were too high.

one day, while they were walking in the garden, y/n broke the silence.

"your highness, may I ask you something?" y/n said timidly.

"of course, y/n. what is it?" minji replied, her heart racing at the sound of y/n's voice.

"is everything alright, your highness? you seem troubled," y/n said, looking at minji with concern.

minji hesitated for a moment before answering, "I...I don't know, y/n. I feel like something's been bothering me for a while now, but I can't quite put my finger on it."

y/n nodded, "if it's any consolation, your highness, I'm here for you. whatever you need, I'll be happy to help."

minji's heart swelled with affection for y/n. she wanted nothing more than to tell y/n everything she was feeling, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. not yet.

"thank you, y/n. I really appreciate it," minji said, smiling at y/n.

y/n smiled back, "it's my pleasure, your highness

as they continued walking, minji felt a sense of comfort and security in y/n's presence. she wished she could hold y/n's hand and tell her everything, but she knew it was impossible.

as time passed, a terrible plague hit the kingdom. people fell sick, and many lives were lost. the royal family did their best to control it and provide aid to the afflicted, but it was a daunting task.

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