flirt (minji x fem reader)

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hyein had been talking about her sister, y/n, to her members for weeks. they were excited to finally meet her, but none of them expected what was to come.

when y/n arrived at the dormitory, she immediately caught the attention of everyone in the room. she had a confident and flirtatious air about her that made the girls blush and giggle nervously.

"hi, unnies! this is my sister, y/n," hyein said with a smile, introducing her to the group.

"hi, y/n! it's great to finally meet you!" minji said with a friendly smile.

y/n grinned, "the pleasure is all mine, minji. you're even prettier in person than in your photos."

minji blushed, feeling flattered but a bit overwhelmed by y/n's boldness. meanwhile, hyein tried to hide her face in embarrassment.

as they sat down to chat, y/n made sure to flirt with each of the girls, playfully touching their arms and laughing at their jokes.

haerin found herself blushing as y/n leaned in close to her to compliment her earrings. danielle couldn't help but feel a little flustered as y/n twirled her hair while they talked.

but it was clear that y/n had her eyes on minji. she made sure to sit close to her and ask her questions about her life, seemingly mesmerized by her every word. minji couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious under y/n's intense gaze.

y/n then went over to grab a drink from the refrigerator when she noticed hanni looking her way. she gave her a flirty smile and said, "hey, hanni, want to join me for a drink?"

hanni's eyes widened in surprise, but she couldn't resist the temptation. "sure, why not?" she said, grinning.

as they chatted and laughed over their drinks, minji watched them from across the room. she felt a pang of jealousy as she saw y/n twirling her hair and leaning in close to hanni.

but she couldn't help but be intrigued by the chemistry between them.

she decided to stay back and watch them, pretending to be occupied with her phone. she saw y/n touch hanni's arm playfully and saw hanni laugh at her jokes. they seemed to be having a great time together.

minji couldn't deny the fact that she was a bit jealous of y/n's flirting with hanni, but she also couldn't deny the fact that she found it incredibly attractive.

she felt a flutter in her stomach as she watched them, wondering what it would be like to be the one y/n was flirting with.

as the evening wore on, y/n made her way back over to where Minji was sitting. "hey, minji, what are you up to?" she asked, giving her a sweet smile.

minji tried to hide her jealousy and played it cool. "just scrolling through instagram," she said casually.

y/n leaned in closer, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "you know, minji, I think you're even prettier than your photos. and that's saying something," she said, giving her a playful wink.

minji blushed and felt her heart skip a beat. she couldn't believe Y/N was flirting with her now. She tried to think of something clever to say, but her mind went blank.

hanni walked over to join them, and minji saw the disappointment flicker across y/n's face as she pulled away from her.

finally, hyein noticed this and decided to pull y/n aside for a private conversation.

"hey, sis, I know you like to flirt, but maybe you should dial it back a bit," hyein said gently.

"what do you mean?" y/n asked innocently.

"well, you're being a bit too straightforward. and I don't want you to upset anyone else in the group."

y/n sighed, "I'm sorry, hyein. I didn't mean to make anyone uncomfortable. I just can't help myself sometimes."

"I know, but please try to be a little more respectful. these are my friends and my members, and I don't want to cause any drama."

y/n nodded, "okay, I'll try to tone it down. I don't want to ruin your friendships or your music."

with that, y/n went back to the group and made an effort to be more casual and friendly. she still smiled and laughed and chatted with the girls, but she kept her hands to herself and avoided any overtly flirtatious behavior.

as they said their goodbyes, minji pulled y/n aside and whispered in her ear, "I hope we can still be friends, y/n. but please don't make me blush like that again."

y/n grinned, "no promises, minji. but I will try to keep it under control. you have to admit, you are pretty irresistible."

minji rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile at y/n's playful nature. maybe they could be friends after all.

or maybe even something more.

or maybe even something more

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