yandere (hanni x fem reader)

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y/n had been dating hanni for a few months now and everything had been going great. but lately, y/n couldn't help but notice a change in hanni's behavior.

hanni, who used to be so sweet to y/n, had become more possessive of her, wanting to spend every moment with y/n and not allowing her to hang out with anyone else.

one day, y/n and hanni were walking to class together, holding hands as they always did.

"hanni, is everything okay?" y/n asked, noticing the tension in hanni's grip.

"hmm? oh, everything is fine. why do you ask?" hanni replied, her voice a bit too cheery.

"it's just that you've been acting a little different lately. more possessive, I guess?" y/n said, trying to be gentle.

hanni's grip on y/n's hand tightened even more. "do you not like it when I'm possessive of you?" hanni asked, her voice low.

y/n could feel her heart start to race. she had never seen this side of hanni before, but she couldn't deny that she kind of liked it. "I didn't say that," y/n said softly.

"hmm, good. because I don't think I could bear to let you go," hanni said, her eyes darkening slightly.

y/n felt a shiver run down her spine. hanni's possessiveness was starting to feel a little scary, but at the same time, it was thrilling.

as they entered the classroom, hanni didn't let go of y/n's hand, causing a few curious glances from their classmates.

"what's going on with you two?" asked their friend minji.

"hanni's just being a little paranoid today," y/n explained with a small smile.

"hanni, you know you can't keep y/n all to yourself," minji teased.

hanni's grip on y/n's hand tightened once more. "I'll try to share," she said with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

y/n couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable with the possessiveness, but at the same time, it was nice to feel wanted. she wasn't sure what to make of it.

as the day went on, hanni's possessiveness only grew. she would wrap her arm around y/n's waist when they walked, not letting anyone else get too close to her.

"you know I love you, right?" hanni said, her face inches away from y/n's.

"of course I do," y/n said, smiling despite the intensity of hanni's gaze.

"good. because I don't think I could bear to lose you," hanni said, her voice low.

y/n could feel her heart beating faster. she had never experienced anything like this before. hanni's possessiveness was starting to scare her a little, but at the same time, it was exhilarating.

they arrived at y/n's apartment and hanni refused to let go of y/n's hand even as they walked inside.

"hanni, I have to go get changed," y/n said, trying to pull away.

"can't I come with you?" hanni asked, pouting slightly.

y/n couldn't help but smile at the sight. hanni was like a child sometimes, and it was endearing. "sure, you can come with me," y/n said, leading hanni to her bedroom.

hanni followed y/n into her room and sat down on the bed while y/n went to change.

when y/n came out of the bathroom, she found hanni sitting on her bed, holding her favorite book.

"hanni, why are you holding my book?" y/n asked, confused.

hanni looked up at y/n, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I wanted to read it and see what kind of book you were reading," she said simply.

"I'm not reading anything bad, hanni," y/n took the book from hanni's hands and sat down next to her on the bed. hanni leaned her head on y/n's shoulder, looking up at her with a soft smile.

"I know, I just wanted to see what you're interested in," hanni said, her hand reaching up to play with y/n's hair.

y/n leaned into the touch, feeling a sense of comfort from hanni's affection.

hanni turned y/n to face her, pressing their lips together.

"y/n, you need to remember you're mine only... only mine..."

"yes, I'm yours only..."


iNomHyunii I hope this was good enough because I'm bad at writing these 😁

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