doctor pt.2 (minji x fem reader)

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y/n constantly visited the clinic after what had happened. she made up fake illnesses and injuries, just to see minji.

minji knew that each time y/n came, she was not sick. the strong tension between them was evident, and minji couldn't help but feel excited every time she saw y/n's name on the appointment list.

one day, y/n came in with a fake ankle injury, hobbling on crutches. minji raised an eyebrow as she examined the supposed injury.

"this doesn't seem too bad," minji said, smirking at y/n.

y/n smiled back, knowing full well that she wasn't really injured. "I just wanted to see you," she admitted, biting her lip.

minji leaned in, her eyes glinting mischievously. "well, lucky for you, I have some free time today."

the two women quickly got down to business, making out passionately in the examination room. y/n couldn't get enough of minji's soft lips and gentle touch, and she found herself coming back to the clinic more and more often.

it became a routine for y/n to come in with fake injuries, and for minji to "examine" her. the two women would hook up in the examination room, unable to resist the strong attraction between them.

despite the risk of getting caught, y/n couldn't stop herself from visiting the clinic and hooking up with minji. she was addicted to the thrill of being with her, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to stay away for long.

the nurses had doubts but y/n brushed it away and said that she liked the clinic. she liked it so much that she visits very often.

as y/n and minji were in the middle of their steamy make-out session, they suddenly heard a cough behind them. they quickly turned to see one of the nurses, jihye, standing in the doorway with a shocked expression on her face.

panicking, they quickly separated and tried to act as if nothing was going on. the nurse looked surprised to see y/n there again, especially with a supposed injury that didn't require much treatment.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were in a session," the nurse said, but her suspicious look gave away her thoughts.

y/n felt embarrassed and ashamed, and she quickly left the clinic. minji felt terrible for putting y/n in such a difficult position and decided to follow her out.

as soon as they were outside, minji wrapped her arms around y/n, trying to comfort her. "I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you," minji said softly.

y/n looked up at her with tears in her eyes. "I know you didn't, but we can't keep doing this," she said, feeling overwhelmed by the whole situation.

minji nodded. "you're right. let's stop this and go on a real date instead."

y/n's eyes widened in surprise. "really? you want to date me?"

minji smiled and nodded. "yes, I do. I've been wanting to ask you out for a while now, but I didn't want to make things more complicated."

y/n couldn't help but smile at minji's confession. "okay, let's go on a real date and take things slow," she said, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders.

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