bucket list (hanni x fem reader)

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hanni and y/n had been engaged for a few months now. they were both successful, driven, and madly in love. hanni was the ceo of a thriving company, and y/n worked under her as a graphic designer. they had been planning their wedding, dreaming of their future together.

however, lately, hanni had noticed that y/n was distracted at work. she would often ask to leave early, citing personal reasons. hanni couldn't help but feel suspicious. she wondered if y/n was hiding something from her.

one day, hanni decided to follow y/n to see where she was going. she trailed her all the way to the hospital, where y/n was admitted as a patient. hanni's heart sank as she realised that y/n was sick.

hanni eavesdropped on y/n's conversation with the doctor and learned that y/n had cancer. she didn't have a lot of time left. hanni felt a wave of sadness wash over her. she couldn't believe that y/n was sick, and she didn't know about it.

as y/n stepped out of the room, she was shocked to see hanni there. "hanni, what are you doing here?" y/n asked, her voice trembling.

hanni looked at y/n, feeling angry and hurt. "why didn't you tell me, y/n? why did you hide this from me?" she asked, trying to keep her voice calm.

y/nstarted to cry. "i didn't know how to tell you, hanni. we're engaged, and i didn't want to burden you with my illness. i just wanted to spend time with you happily," y/n replied, her voice choked with tears.

hanni felt a pang of guilt. she had been so quick to assume the worst of y/n, without even giving her a chance to explain. she realised that she had been so caught up in her own world that she had forgotten to pay attention to y/n's needs.

"i'm sorry, y/n. i should have been there for you. i'm here now, and i'll do everything i can to make your remaining time happy and memorable," hanni said, taking y/n's hand.

y/n looked up at hanni, feeling grateful for her understanding. "thank you, hanni. i love you," y/n replied, wiping her tears away.

hanni felt her heart swell with love for y/n. "i love you too, y/n. let's make a bucket list and fulfill all our dreams together," hanni said, feeling determined.

over the next few weeks, hanni and y/n made a bucket list and started checking off the items. they went on a hot air balloon ride, traveled to a new city, and tried new foods. they laughed, made memories, and enjoyed each other's company.

hanni had asked y/n if there was a cure for her cancer. y/n's face fell as she shook her head. "no, hanni. there isn't a cure. the doctors have done everything they can, but the cancer has spread too much," y/n said softly.

hanni felt tears welling up in her eyes. she couldn't imagine life without y/n. they had planned a future together, and now it seemed like that future was slipping away.

as they were doing one of the items on their bucket list, y/n unexpectedly coughed up blood and fainted. hanni panicked, and she rushed y/n to the hospital. the doctors worked hard to stabilise y/n, but the news was grim. y/n only had minutes left to live.

hanni held y/n's hand tightly, tears streaming down her face. she whispered words of love and comfort, telling y/n how much she meant to her.

"i love you so much, y/n. you've brought so much joy and happiness into my life. i can't imagine living without you," hanni said, her voice breaking.

y/n smiled weakly, her eyes closing. "i love you too, hanni. you've made my life complete. thank you for being my partner, my best friend, and my soulmate. i'll always love you," y/n whispered.

as hanni held y/n's hand and gave her a kiss, the heart monitor beeped, signaling the end of y/n's life.

hanni'sheart shattered into a million pieces. she cried harder, feeling like a part of her had died with y/n.

the nurses rushed in, but hanni couldn't move. she couldn't let go of y/n's hand. she whispered words of love and comfort, telling y/n how much she meant to her.

"i'll always love you, y/n. you've made my life complete. thank you for everything," hanni said, her voice choked with emotion.

the nurses gently pulled hanni away from y/n's lifeless body, but hanni couldn't stop crying. she felt like she had lost everything.

hanni sat in a corner of the hospital, feeling lost and alone. she couldn't believe that y/n was gone. they had planned a future together, and now it seemed like that future was gone.

I wrote this while making my cheatsheet for a test 🫡

the way you can tell when I started losing focus😭 (ignore my hand btw)

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the way you can tell when I started losing focus😭 (ignore my hand btw)

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