timing (minji x fem reader)

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minji and y/n fell in love quickly while studying art in college. they spent countless hours together in the studio, working on their projects and talking about their dreams for the future.

they were each other's first love and thought they would be together forever.

after graduation, they both got job offers in different cities and decided to try a long-distance relationship.

at first, things were going well. they would talk on the phone every day and make plans to visit each other. but as time went on, things started to fall apart.

they would argue more often, and their conversations became shorter and less frequent.

one day, y/n decided to surprise minji by visiting her in her city. but when she arrived, she found out that minji had made plans with her friends and couldn't spend the day with her.

y/n was hurt and frustrated and didn't know how to express her feelings. when she finally confronted minji about it, they got into a huge fight.

after that, they decided to take a break from their relationship. they both started seeing other people, but they still had the feeling that they were meant to be together. one day, they decided to meet up and talk things out.

"i miss you," y/n said as they sat down at a coffee shop.

"i miss you too," minji replied. "i don't know what to do without you."

y/n took a deep breath. "i know we've hadour issues, but i still love you, minji. i don't want to lose you."

minji looked down at her hands. "i love you too, y/n. but i don't know if we can make this work."

they talked for hours, going over their past fights and misunderstandings. they both realized that they still loved each other and decided to give their relationship another try.

things were good between them for a while, but they soon fell back into their old patterns of fighting and arguing. y/n was frustrated that minji didn't make time for her, and minji was annoyed that y/n was always so demanding.

y/n was on break so she went to stay with minji for a while. they went on a date to a fancy restaurant. y/n was dressed in a beautiful dress, and minji couldn't stop looking at her.

"you look gorgeous," minji said, taking y/n's hand.

y/n smiled. "thank you. i'm glad we're doing this."

but the night didn't go as planned. they got into an argument about minji's job and how it was taking up all of her time. y/n was hurt that minji didn't seem to care about their relationship anymore.

"i don't know what you want from me, y/n," minji said, throwing her hands up in frustration. "i'm doing the best i can."

y/n felt tears welling up in her eyes."i just want you to make time for me. i want us to be a priority."

they continued to argue, and eventually, they decided to end the relationship for good. they walked out of the restaurant, both feeling defeated and heartbroken.

as they walked in silence, they came across a park and decided to sit down on a bench.

"this isn't how i imagined things would end," y/n said, looking at minji.

"i know," minji replied, looking down at her lap. "i never wanted to hurt you."

y/n took a deep breath. "i love you, minji. i always will."

"i love you too, y/n," minji said, her voice cracking. "but maybe it's just not meant to be."

they looked at each other and knew that it was time to say goodbye. they kissed one last time, holding onto each other tightly. they both knew that this would be the last time they would see each other.

"i'll always cherish the memories we made together," y/n said, tears streaming down her face.

"me too," minji replied, wiping away her own tears.

"stay healthy, minji."

"you too, y/n."

they said their final goodbyes and walked away from each other's lives. y/n couldn't stop thinking about minji for weeks after that. she would replay their conversations in her head and wonder if things could have been different.

she missed minji. she didn't want to leave her. but the timing was just wrong.


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