hidden (minji x fem reader)

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y/n had been crushing on minji for what felt like forever. she loved spending time with her, laughing at her jokes, and just being around her in general. it was hard to keep her feelings hidden, but she didn't want to risk ruining their friendship.

one day, y/n couldn't take it anymore and decided to take a chance and confess her feelings to minji. she took her to their favorite café and nervously fidgeted with her hands while waiting for their drinks.

"minji, there's something i need to tell you," y/n said, looking down at her lap.

minji looked up from her phone and gave y/n her full attention. "what is it?"

"i don't know how to say this, but i have feelings for you. more than just friends," y/n admitted, blushing furiously.

minji's expression turned serious as she thought for a moment. "y/n, i appreciate your honesty, but i don't feel the same way. i don't want to ruin our friendship."

y/n nodded, feeling her heart sink. she had prepared herself for this possibility, but it still hurt.

"i understand," y/n said softly. "i just needed to tell you how i feel."

as they finished their drinks and walked out of the café, the air was thick with tension. y/n felt awkward and unsure of what to say, so they walked in silence for a while.

"i hope we can still be friends," minji said, breaking the silence.

y/n managed a small smile. "of course, minji. i value our friendship too much to let anything come between us."

from that moment on, things were a bit awkward between y/n and minji. they still hung out, but there was a subtle tension in the air that couldn't be ignored.

y/n tried her best to move on and find someone else, but her heart just wasn't in it. she couldn't shake off her feelings for minji, no matter how hard she tried.

one day, while visiting minji at her apartment, y/n heard muffled sobs coming from her room. she instinctively unlocked the door and walked in, only to find minji crying on her bed.

"minji, what's wrong?" y/n asked, rushing over to her side.

through her tears, minji confessed that she loved y/n and had been struggling with her own feelings for a while. she was hurting because she didn't want to see y/n try to move on when she wanted to be with her all along.

y/n was surprised, but also filled with joy and relief. she had never stopped loving minji, and hearing her confess her own feelings was like a dream come true.

cupping minji's cheeks, y/n smiled and said, "it's always been you, minji. i love you too." she wiped minji's tears off with her thumb, admiring her beauty.

minji's tears turned into happy ones as she pulled y/n into a tight hug. they talked for hours, sharing everything they had been holding back for so long. they were finally together, and it felt like the universe had aligned just for them.

from that moment on, y/n and minji started their relationship, taking it slow but enjoying every moment together. they went on picnics, watched movies, and explored the city hand in hand. they were happier than ever, grateful for taking the chance to express their true feelings and take their friendship to the next level.

every time y/n looked at minji, her heart fluttered with happiness and love. she knew that they had gone through a rough patch, but in the end, it was all worth it. they were meant to be together, and nothing could ever change that.


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