Chapter 32

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Killian's eyebrows twitched momentarily at Cliff's chosen title.

But it's not strange, really. I'd always called her 'that woman' too.

"Why that woman?"

"I heard she started working under Sir Renon's supervision today."

"I heard that too."

"So I asked Renon to stop by and see if he noticed anything unusual."

Cliff lifted his teacup in a graceful motion.

He still seemed convinced that Edith was responsible for the document leak.

"She can't have been acting strange from day one."

"Still, you never know. Renon's pretty sharp."

A moment later, Renon really came.

"You called for me, young master?"

"Sorry to keep you busy, Renon. It's just that...... you're doing surveillance on Edith from today, right?"

Killian didn't like the way Cliff used the word.


Of course, there was a purpose to it, but it was more about helping the Duchess with her work. Even Edith asked her to assign someone to watch her first.

Killian covered his mouth with his teacup to hide his displeasure, and Renon replied in his characteristically emotionless voice.

"I've been told to make sure the documents Miss Edith touches aren't in danger of being lost, but to be fair, Miss Edith has come to help me do my job."

"Well, that's that. Anyway, what do you think...... did you notice anything suspicious?"

Renon was silent for a moment as he replayed the morning he'd spent working with Edith, then spoke slowly, "I can't say for sure, having only seen her briefly today, but to be honest......"

Killian was so nervous about what he was going to say that he forgot to take a sip of his tea.

"She seemed to be very meticulous in her work; her concentration, comprehension, and judgment are excellent, and above all, she is persistent; my office environment would not have appealed to a noblewoman, but she worked diligently without any complaints."

"I've never heard you speak so highly of someone before. She must have tried pretty hard to get into your good graces, huh?"

"I don't know, after all, I've only seen her this morning."

"Well...... okay, I see. I might call on you again, so keep an eye on her."

Cliff patted Renon on the back and sent him on his way.

Next to him, Lizé blushed and said shyly, "I think he's got a crush on Edith. I've never heard him speak so highly of anyone."

Cliff sighed at that. "I don't think Renon is the kind of person who is swayed by emotions......"

"But who doesn't have feelings? Renon isn't married yet, and Edith is beautiful, so...... it's possible."

Lizé was always so lovely when she opened her mouth, but for the first time today, Killian was offended by what she said.

'I know we're married on paper, but to say something like that when I, her husband, am right in front of you is kind of......'

No, I can't even say "on paper" anymore. I've already slept with Edith.

Of course, Killian couldn't say that out loud.

"No way. I trust Renon. I've known him for years. Don't you know how hard Theo trained him?"

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