Chapter 42

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"Then why did you take the poison......! Don't you realize it's dangerous?"

Killian felt like his insides were being ripped out.

He could not understand why anyone would do something like this if it was going to hurt so much.

But through her tears, Edith insisted that she didn't do it.

"It wasn't me!"

Strangely, he felt like he was listening to her plea of innocence over and over again.

'If you are so adamant that you didn't do it, even in the face of evidence, I wonder if you really didn't. But if not you then who did this!'

As if trying to hide her tears in the midst of such suspicions, Edith, covered with a blanket, said in a tired voice,

"If you don't have anything to say...... go back."

Killian realized then.

Edith doesn't look at him.

She doesn't expect anything from him.

She always did.

It made Killian angry, somehow.

'Why don't you just tell me everything and hang on to me! Don't you realize that I'm the only one who can help you right now, or am I not reliable enough?'

He wasn't sure if this was anger or something else. He wasn't sure if it was directed at Edith or himself.

He wanted to say something more, but he couldn't think of anything to say.

He could only grit his teeth and walk away with nothing but undefinable feelings for Edith......


It was Lizé who saved my life.

"Edith couldn't have done that."

"But that's the same poison she ate!"

"Edith says she doesn't know. If she really wanted to frame me, why would she say she was just a little choked as soon as she woke up?"

"She must have thought it would make her look innocent."

"Why would Edith, the Count's daughter and already Killian's wife, want to hurt me in the first place? It doesn't make sense."

It seemed to be an argument of sorts, but Lizé's opinion was not one that could be swayed by the Ludwig family, who couldn't say "Because Killian loves you!" out loud.

And then she pricked their conscience with her words.

"Edith isn't feeling well right now, and it's cruel to push her to do something she's not sure about. She's just a young lady, the same age as me!"

Eventually, the Ludwig family backed down.

They believed I was the culprit, but out of respect for Lizé's opinion, they wouldn't punish me or hold me responsible.

In fact, what I was most curious about when Sophia told me this was Killian's reaction, but I couldn't ask her.

In any case, now that Lizé had gotten me out of the crisis, I felt a little guilty for being so suspicious of her.

That's a lot of compassion for someone who almost framed her for poisoning. She's a female lead after all.

In the original story, in fact, it ends with Edith being the culprit, and she apologizes to Lizé and barely escapes being thrown out.

I didn't take the poison myself, but this situation, created by Sophia, made me look like the culprit.

However, Lizé forgave me even though I didn't apologize, and I was able to return to my normal life without much further questioning.

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