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"The phone bell went on, hands shaking. For a moment, I just wanted to avoid everything. Even myself."


Mom picked the phone.

"I-I, I just wanted to hear your voice." He stood there like a fine frozen statue.

Be brave idiot. He told himself. Suck up the feelings that are bubbling inside his heart. Hyugi took a deep breath. Count to three.

"It's okay." She sighed! "I know my son is a brave warrior."

"Mom I love you. He paused. I'm sorry!


"You will always be my big baby boy. Come back home and lets have lunch together."


"I think..."

"What?" She said on the other side of the phone.

"I got accepted."

The call dropped.

"Hello? Mom? He smiled while his head was down and his hand was scratching his head out of mischief."

He called again.


"I said bring your bones home! I need to make soup!!!!" She yelled.

"What soup will you make out of your only son's bone? He teased.   "Mom...I love you!" 

He started walking, slowly, he mentained his pace and then he couldnot keep it up and started running.

"Uncle Max, Granny! yelled Hyugi.

"Slowly sweet pill!"

He held onto his kee, and took his breath. I got accepted! He yelled. I finally got in SOPA.

"Are you sad?" Grandmo said.

"If only dad was here!"

"He has left this empty space inside of me, and has left me with a name. Called orphan."

It was a moment of silence. He spoke again. 

"Tonight, my happiness is singing lullabies. When I look at the sky I feel special to have seen this moment with my eyes, that has much more to see."

He rushed home, because he wanted his mom to be the first one he wanted to be with.

He opened the door and ran towards kitchen, a place where he knew his mom would possibly be.

He hugged her from the back while she was still in her apron.

"Thank you for being so perfect."

"My son!  I couldn't be more proud than this."

"My heart flutters." She said grabbing his arms. Her eyes getting cloudy. "I feel so blessed. I thank God over and over again for giving me the jewel, my son. There were times when you were so small and when I embraced you, you were completely hidden inside my arms and your hands-" She touched his hands. "Were so small. Now you are quite taller than me. Your hands are bigger than mine. Hyu my precious pearl! you have grown. You are no longer the kid Hyu anymore, but you still look like the small Hyu running to me telling me all those little things."

If you will not stop crying I might start crying as well. I can't see you crying. Ever. He wiped her tears with his thumbs. He leaned his forehead to her shoulders as warm tears rushed out.

"Mom!" He said in his low heavy voice. No matter what.. You have to be on my side forever."

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