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Time is changed but our lives are still the same. After graduation Top agencies contacted me. It was hard for me to decide on one. So I went for SM entertainment.

Time is changed but for me time is still. I feel empty just like I felt years ago. Trianee life is boring. It doesn't have that chill that we once use to have in our high school. Was it because my heart was replaced?

It must be.

I still wonder where could be the slaying dancing queen. Would she be a trianee? or would she be living a normal life?

Everytime when I take a break from practice she comes in my mind. Her smiling face. Her calling me 'Dimple pickle' I didn't even got the chance to confess. She was the girl who took my first kiss.

Though its winter season but we have winter like coldness in our hearts. No roses, nothing that shows signs of love returning back home.

They said snow will fall hard this winter. I was sitting on the busy street where we ended everything, with a dairy and a pen.

"Yin Nabi" you have turned me into a psycho love poet.

"Do you know how love sounds?
When is heard from the heart that pounds?
feelings that tip toed, didn't get the chance to arose.
Lips that had much to say but kept close.
I'm sick and shattered like the petals of rose.
I've been searching for you like a fool.
Then I miss the days we spent in school.
Winters are long and cold
Reminds me of a butterfly so bold.
She was somewhere between sweet and sour
The only girl I have been waiting for."

I found myself drowning in the never ending sadness. I breathe and many thoughts cross my head. I ask myself when did I fall for her. Though heart is just a piece of meat but carries every little emotion in it.

I fell for her when I realized I have an angel who cares for everyone, but never cares for herself. She was a girl with a pure heart, that even melted the heart of a beast beating inside my chest.

I wonder who was the person who had her heart. I envy every single moment I think about it.

I have never felt like this before. I have lost my way like the person left in the forest. I have walked on every path, but no path leads me to you. I guess I'm still looking for a path. Will you accept me? If I tell you I love you unconditionally?

Boo! what are you doing? Irene peeked behind my back and snatched my dairy from my hand.

Ooh~ "Will you accept me? If I tell you I love you unconditionally?"

Eeh so cheesy Hyugi, any girl will fall for you like this. 

Yaa! Yaa! Yaa! Give it back, it is considered bad manners looking at a person's dairy.

Come~ get it if you want! Irene teased me.

I ran after her in circles and circles.

"Ha! Take it I can't run anymore. She said breathing heavily.

How did you find me? I said breathing heavily.

I know where to find a person crazy in love.

'Are you still thinking about her?'

What else can I do? I'm a person messed up in different emotions.

"Stop thinking about her. I-It hurts me looking at you like this. Why can't you consider my feelings I have for you? Irene rested her head on my left arm.

Can you see the sunset? Its so colourful if you see it. Just like this sunset let go of your feelings. Because when you will be ready to fall I will hold your hand and drag you out of there.



"What she will be doing now?"

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