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"How do you feel to be the most demanded person right now"

"It was my dream I always feared that I use to say such big words like one day I'll be like this and that and finally today standing here makes me believe that there is no end to our dreams."

"I will ask you something about your personal life."

"Everyone is curious if you have ever fallen in love."

"Well! Everyone falls in love in her teens, I'm nothing special."

The crowd was filled in with hooting.

"So what is your ideal type."

"To define ideal is like.. for me you never know when you fall in love. I liked someone who I disliked the most. Opposite happens of whatever you think."

"What will you do if that person appears infront of you."

"Well..I don't know."

It was the moment when I remembered his face those pairs of eyes filled with hope and then I realized I abandoned him.

He was the one I loved, the one who took everything from me. The one who loved me and the one who hurted me the most.

Again why I should care?

My schedule knows how to wore me out. It feels like I have been farming in those wheat yields.

I'm so tired.

Its like this every time I close my eyes I can't sleep. Rolling all over the bed is the last option that can help me rest my mind. When the world is silent my mind speaks the loudest.

Hyugi Hyugi Hyugi... this name makes me so sick..

"The next morning"

"So you finally decided to help him?"

"I don't know after months why I am here!"

So from now on he is in your care.

"Doctor I'm not a psychiatrist besides you have been calling me thrice in a week."

"Argh I really can't take it anymore."

"Lets go dimple pickle."

Hyugi pointed at himself.

No! no! I'm insane, I'm just talking to the fans swirling in circles. Sarcastically speaking.

Holding to his collars I dragged him out.

"Dimple- pi-pickle?"

I think I have heard it before.

"That is your name."




Well lets walk, before that...

I scanned him out and realised he looked like a laughing potato.

Lets get you changed.

"Please shop again mam."

"Here" I covered his face with a mask to avoid getting involved in false rumours.

"Why are you walking so slow?"

"There are lots of people here, if they find you, they will attack you as if you are on sale."

Here hold my hand.

It feels like I'm nursing a kindergarten kid, how unlucky.


"Are you Nabi."


And that was where he unloaded his huge pile of questions as if I was his personal secretary.

The questions that came through one hole of my ear and went out from the other, were blocked by a huge sound made by a tiny stomach.


Before he could speak I knew he was hungry, we went to the nearby shop that was small.

"What would you like to have mam?"



I looked at Hyugi, as I wondered.

I don't believe you and your lies.

My noodles rested in the my bowl as my eyes steadily glared at the hungry 11 year old Hyugi eating.

Unknowingly there was a wave of happiness on my face.

Leaving the shop we trailed out on the streets.







"I just like calling you that."

Nabi sometimes I feel a pressure inside my heart and somewhere there is a lot of sadness. I want to know everything and at the same time, I just want to move on.

When I think to move on like this I feel sad because of loosing those precious memories that I have forgotten. And at the same time I sigh full of relief that I don't have them.

Nabi if I recover, will there be someone waiting for me?

"What's the point of remembering and losing? Our past is filled with pain. Its better that you don't know what happened."

What you said now, made me more eager to learn.

"I want to know about my life. If you know something please help me."

"You use to be really remarkable in being the number one lowest student in our school, you use to wear glasses and your nose use to drool mucus."

He looked at me in disbelief.

"See? You don't even believe me, and you want to know about your life."

I kept fooling around him for weeks it became so much fun for me.

Before I realized we were already close, just like we once use to be.

"I know Nabi, we must be cool good friends."

"Nah, we were hot good friends."


"We use to fight a lot."

"Makes sense."

"Look its such a pretty scenery."

"It is the prettiest place in all of Seoul. We have a lot of memories here."

"So Nabi.."

Have you ever fallen in love?

I stared at his face lost for an answer. I was totally off the conversation.

"Uh- yup"

"Have I ever fallen in love?"

"How would I know the secrets of your heart?"

"The pendant you are wearing, seems so familiar.."

"It was given to me by the man I loved."

You still love-

"Can we talk about something else?"


I looked in his eyes.

Still love me right?

My eyes were filled in with shock.


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