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"Don't tell me you girls have been practicing like this?"

"Is this you call dancing or yoga?"



"Yaa! What's with you girls??"

"What's wrong with our manager?"

I know you must be wondering like "Why is she poking her ten inches nose in our matter" its because you guys lack a lot! You need to practice to bring more flexibility in your moves.

Ya! Who the hell you are to interfere with our matters? You.. better make a circle and learn to stay in that.

Wow now being blunt is a sin these days..all what I wanted was to tell them that dancing is something that is done magically setting fire just by the glimpse of it.

"Fine.. whatever!"

"Miss Dabin"

Kindly follow us to the meeting room.

Tip toeing in the meeting hall, I went there to see a huge table followed by some people sitting in there.

Are they there to shoot criticism on me? Honestly harsh words bothers me.

I went inside as I greeted everyone. I took my seat right in front of Dylan. Lights were shut off and projectors were on. 

After getting suffocated under the piles of boredom. I felt like my eyes were gluing and I would sleep any minute.

Right when I saw a face, those pair of beautiful eyes that shined like diamonds. It reminded me of the gossips going on in and out of our building, these days.

"Dylan and Dabin seems to be more than co-workers. The way he looks at Dabin, I'm sure its more like, he likes her."

Can it be true?

I rolled my eyes thinking, who will like a tomboy? But as I checked him out he shined mercilessly, he was simply pure and handsome.

A muscular man with fair complexion, brown hair finally combed in an attractive manner. And a gentleman by nature.

Eyes are the biggest sinner, as everythings starts with the eyes then it seeps down to the heart.

I recalled his kindness towards me. And I kind of felt really calm when I think about him.

After one hour of discussing the strategy people were discussing what is lacking, like really??

Do they even know time changes along with taste.

Questions were bombarding in my tiny skull. Yet again as a newbie my points will be ignored and I will be highlighted by people. It's better not to catch attention.


In the end I'm a girl and I can't hold back myself from saying something that I'm dying to say.

"Its a really old fashioned technique", I added it with a chuckle. I felt owl like eyes all fixated on me. And sarcasm was coming out of my mouth like honey.

"Good girl"

All eyes were staring at me with shooting arrows.

"Then what do you suggest miss Dabin?" Said Hyugi.

Perhaps if we set up an appealing and cute concept for the girls. Like Twice and red velvet is an example. If we mix certain concepts to make one then it will be quite different.

"Miss Dabin it looks like you are still in your teens.. We need to follow trends." Investors won't invest on something that is not worth investing. Hyugi said.

As he coldly shrugged me off I felt like flames burning in my heart.

My opinions didn't mattered as he shut me off every time I gave my honest views.

As the meeting went long and boring I slipped a little down on my chair, when I tossed my feet with Dylan's pair of boots
I lip synced "I'm bored, take me out."

I got caught off guard, when Hyugi said. "If you are bored, you better get out."

My ears were blowing whistles I looked at him and I said "Sorry?"

The lights were turned back on. "I guess you don't have a hearing problem right? I asked you to get out, now!"

Walking out of the conferrance room, I felt embarrassed shocked and humiliated. It was true when I said he was getting on my bad side and there was nothing denying it.

Pouting all the way I went to cool my head in the rest room.

"Irene is such a pest. She is hovering over our CEO and our idol."

"Can you believe that? She follows him all the day.. I wonder if he didn't gets irritated."

As soon as the voices disappeared, I came out of the bathroom and I walked towards the basin to wash hands when I coincidentally bumped into Irene.

Uh- sorry I said with the speed of light. From the looks of her, it looked like she was crying.

"Don't listen to people, they are as always as loud as pigs." I said in a lightening bolt speed.

Irene smiled, "Thanks for comforting me."

"You resemble a dear friend of mine. A girl who gave me my desire."

I smiled knowingly its me. But it was sad to know they didn't recognised me, maybe puberty hit me hard.

"She died As of I know." I miss her so much..Irene said while fixing her makeup.

Anyway see you later..

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