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"You were fooling with me all this time."


"Just answer me."

Answer me first!

I got your diary from someone. And I learned everything from it. I Slowly regained my memories. When I was too lost in getting answers.

I always wondered the feeling that was always inside my heart when I first saw you at the hospital, I was already in love with you.

I was so curious about you. And then one day a lady handed me a dairy saying this will answer all your questions.

I read it day and night and after thinking too much I wanted to tell you how I felt.

"Even though I haven't learned anything about myself but that feeling drew me closer everytime I felt it strongly beside you."

"After all we went through you still.. want us back?"

"Have you lost your mind?"

I know when we met our timing was wrong the odds were against us. In the end we still found eachother didn't we? If its not fate why do we keep on meeting?

If you still don't want me why are you still wearing this?

I snatched it from her hand.

Why don't you just throw-

"No don't"

I'm not qualified to be with you...

I'm okay to see you from a far, I can't even think of accompanying you.


I'm a trash.. I don't deserve to live a normal life.. After what happened in my life, I decided to live for myself.

You have so many people who love you..Why me? What can I give you instead of shame and insult?

I-I got raped three times and I just live a pitiful life.

"You are still selfish, you only think about yourself."

Hyugi you have responsibilities ahead. People will always tell you that you have a disgusting taste. You picked another stray cat to entertain you. An idol who barely made her debut played tricks to seduce the C.E.O of the company.

How will you stand them alone?

Look at the sky Nabi, all colours blend together to show a beautiful picture.

Have you ever tried to learn yourself in the mirror, when your lips part they tell another story alone your eyes they are silent dewy-eyed filled with sadness.

When you were with me those eyes were sparkling..

Loving you is my choice and being with you is my goal. I didn't asked anyone to guide me or tell me what I should do.

My heart wants its cure and that cure is you. My hearts been burning in revenge but I dropped my desire to take revenge because you were most important to me.

"You were blind in revenge Hyugi, you made my parents suffer the cost of your pain and suffering."

You are wrong Nabi.. You parents life was in danger..your company suffered great lost after you disappeared and your wed lock didn't go well. Loan sharks were desperate to get money from there blood. I had to take over, because they were still the parents of the girl who meant everything to me.

I cared for them secretly. And you still say...

Nabi... Hyugi took her hand and placed on his chest.

"My hearts been suffering pain, its been going wild ever since it got you back. Though my mind refused to remember you my heart could never forget you or replace you."

"Won't you ever give us a chance?"

"Why? you want to promise and run away again?

"No one is running away anymore."



He opened the box and looked at me.

"Will you marry me."

NAnanana if you are going to reject me then I'll jump.

"I stood there speechless.."

After five years

How dare you! I'm my daddy's princess huh! You ugly pigheaded monkey.

"But I like you."

I'll go tell my daddy!


Mummy look at him..

He is cute "Unbi" if you like him I'll accept him.

"Nabi" are you crazy, she is my daughter.

I'll marry her to someone who will be her slave.

Just like daddy's mommy's slave hahaha.

"What?" Hyugi stared at his daughter.

"Aww look she has your dimples Hyugi. "

"And eyes like you Nabi."

Moreover Nabi, she has your temper.



Dear diary,

Experience is a must thing in life, though experiences are bitter, they teach us a lot. Shedding tears doesn't makes you weak, it makes you ready for another battle..We all go through ups and downs. If we are facing situations which has weaken our soul then running away is not and never will be the solution we all are taught to be brave in our childhood. A child plays in an open yard while playing he gets many scratches, if he starts fearing the wounds, will he stop playing? Life is like a movie and every person is the main character of his life, its your choice, if you want to have the supporting role, or shine like a real star, everyone is a born star the only difference is that they need to find the real cause of their living. If you feel nothing is going well, just took a deep breath and tell yourself this day will also end with the sunset and the sunset will take away all your problems and the new sunrise will bring you happiness. Hyugi and I were in a love-hate relationship. We hated to love eachother but it happened. I thought roses in my life will never bloom again I was wrong.. I still remember that day as if it happened tommorow when Hyugi proposed me on the tower and he lifted me higher with joy. We held our marriage ceremony in different cultures I became a bride seven times. We doubled the happiness seven times. It was hard to believe that he was finally my groom. Love has a bitter taste yet addicting enough for people to taste it.

------------The End--------------

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