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Yin Nabi Pov

'If I ask how does it feels to have all your dreams crushed how does it feels?'

Sometimes.. Its better to stay quite in some situations because majority always wins over minority just like how a rich man shuts a poor guy even when the poor is innocent and that's the rule of the cruel world.

Some people never get justice. And for that they quietly wait for their grave to finally open for them.

What I fear the most are the eyes that look down on me. It reminds me of my best friend who once left me. Truth is if you wanted to stay all the reasons appeals you to stay. And if you don't want to all the proofs are just sirens and horns.

Deep inside I felt completely lonely, I had hopes. Hopes for a new life, new memories and new friends. But unfortunately this world is filled with people who are even scarier than the nightmares and devils that makes you sweat. I wish If the Mirror of the witch really existed so that those people could peek inside themselves and see how ruthless and empty they are for their own no good means.

When a glass breaks a sound is produced. Some things break leaving no sound and pieces are disguised as sadness, loneliness, pain and emptiness. My hopes were shattered because I was deep drowned and dead.

People had fun seeing me yell in pain silently. They think some people are spoiled and they seek attention, while all they wanted is a hug and a hand to pull them out from darkness.

I looked at Hyugi. I was wrong kissing him was a mistake. I wish I shouldn't have done that. But what's more disappointing was the man who held my hand and saved me. As he speaked with his eyes telling me you are far more then pathetic.

"Why? exactly what did I do?" Storms will settle by the time but the destruction caused by it will  remain as long as it will hurt.

Some people are disgusting and I hate myself knowingly being part of them. I knew it all along who is the master mind of this game.

Trust me she would better get paid if she was an actor. But never mind it isn't that I like Hyugi. Just a kiss no hard feelings at all.

I transferred all my anger in  wiping the toilets and it was a nice way of using it. Unlike someone I wasn't asking to help me out with the work."

I wiped the toilet and then again I kept on wiping till my eyes got teary.

I never even in my dreams have seen myself washing toilets.

As I peeked from the side door I saw Hyugi with his cuffs fold. Working hard and I slipped my tongue getting it even more dirtier calling Irene such a pesticide.

My tongue slipped as I loudly called that cockroach Irene and Hyugi was all alert.

"What happened?"
'Opps I just killed Irene, I mean a cockroach.'

He avoided me by giving that sour gaze.

'Huh! like I care.' I rolled my eyes.

I balled my fist around the brush and went back to my washing scenario.

As I finished, I saw it was already five on the clock and only me and Hyugi were in the campus washing all the toilets.

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