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"Cha Eunwoo"

We went to the cafe Nabi's friend Hyugi owned. I know Irene because we both have seen each other in music shows.

We sat on the table of four. I was sitting with my fiancee. Who was like a beautiful rose. I felt something, like if there was  certain awkwardeness in the air. I was calculating in my head as of what's the history between the person who said my fiancee "Friends" because Nabi said she never had friends. I was quick with reading faces. I pretended to be lost in something when I saw Nabi stealing glances with the guy Hyugi. I thought may be they had some fight in past.

But the way Hyugi was looking at her, from a man's perspective he was getting hurt. Everytime I held Nabi's hand or we had any skinships, he looked away. Was it that he liked her?

I told myself it can't be. But my gut was telling me it was something more than that. Nabi kept getting irritated by my skinships.

"It's Dylan's memorial ceremony today." Irene said.

"Yin Nabi"
'What?' I was shocked.

"Long story short, Dylan committed suicide."

Even though I hated him. How could he just commit suicide, was it because of me? I gulped my saliva as my sad feelings were gathering over my heart.

Stupid Dylan how could you be so selfish And impulsive to take your own life?

But weird part is he donated his heart to Hyugi. Irene continued. When Hyugi stopped her. "Enough!"

I looked at Hyugi why he doesn't wants me to know. Why is there so much distance in between us. It was true he left me alone when I needed him but I still came up with a reason to forgive him.

Hyugi, why did you needed to get a heart transplant? I looked him straight in his eye ball.

"Its nothing." He replied coldly.

So you still haven't forgotten me? I smiled faintly.

He stood quite, sometimes silence answers all your questions.

It didn't hurts looking him with Irene. It hurts looking at each other like strangers. A friend should be happy after looking at his old friend. But he was hating me because of what my dad did.

Trust me Hyugi I hate my dad even more than you hate him. He killed my baby. If he wasn't my dad I would've killed him for taking a life that I had dreams for.

I had this feeling that my tears will escape my eyes any moment.

"Guys I need to go to the
bathroom. Excuse me."
I don't know which part was hurting me. Dylan died or Hyugi came back from death, or Hyugi being cold to me. It hurts I leaned back with the bathroom door. As I covered my mouth. Hiccups started when I was crying hardly.

No matter what my sadness was around Hyugi.
Eunwoo Pov

Nabi said and left us. I tailed her to the bathroom's door. I leaned back and I heard her crying. I stood there hearing her. So its true she likes her.

Nabi I was wrong to bring you here. You said you don't want to come here but I insisted. I wished I would've listened you. Because I'm not ready to loose you.

The door opened and Nabi came out, pretending nothing happened.

"Why are you here?" Nabi asked me.

Without any answer I held her hand and forced her into a kiss.

I love you and I won't let that pest have you. I will smash him, before he could have wings to fly.

"Lets go." I said after we parted lips.

So shall we order things? Foods on me.

We chit chatted. A lot during our meal.
Waiter! Bill!

The total is 70,000 won.

I placed my hand inside my pocket.

Ugh I think I have lost my wallet.

Hyugi how about you pay and I'll pay you later.

Its okay I will pay Nabi insisted.

No Nabi its impolite for a girl to pay.

You guys go on I will pay them. Hyugi said.

You thought I have no idea who you are and what's your status Hyugi Hayes? I will show Nabi how incompetent you are to be on her side. Love? You don't love her! You love her money. The charm of money attracts every beggar. So are you. 70,000 won will be too much for you to pay.

"Hyugi Hayes

"Sir I don't have much money with me, can I pay you later? Or can I work here to pay my dept?"

You can do the dishes here. The manager said.

Work and me are bonded best friends. People of my age are busy making there life, while Hyugi Hayes is busy moping floors, making coffee and now washing dishes.

I sighed thinking the foam will wash away the feelings I had for Nabi.

Just give me one hope Nabi that you like me and I promise I will fight with the world for you.

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