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Dozing off in one corner my sleepiness was oozing to get over me. Looking at those jelly dance moves my jaw was nearly cracking and my eyes were teary because of non-stop yawning.

I can't take it anymore..

Give me that controller. Song changed.

Now let me show you the art of setting fire..

I wanna know know know what is love?, eyes widened, jaw dropped.

Now you see me? Yeah that's me Yin Nabi..

"How can a manager be such a good dancer?"

"So she knew how to analyse dancing."

"What is with this nonstop hooting going on?"

The uninvited guest walked in.

I'm dead, Yin Nabi you are so dead, dead like an octopus.

Why is he here? Oh no! This isn't happening to me, my heart is running on a treadmill, I'm not ready to be roasted inside an oven.

  I was standing like the liberty the statue. Sweat was rolling down my face wiping my cheap makeup.

My heart was beating in my throat.

The silence was cut off when the Secretary manager parted his locked lips.

"You! Dabin follow me."

Not again.. everytime when he asks me to follow him, its like walking into my own grave.

"Irene! Did you saw? My fan following increased."  Seulgi jumped in excitement.

"Yeah I did"

"Wendy did you saw Irene fan  following decreased."

"Hey Speak slowly she will hear you Joy"

Coiled eyebrows, lower lip bitten and fist flinched.  

"She heard us!"

"That's my choice I don't regret it."

Every thing has consequences, marrying him, I knew will drag my stardom, teeth softly biting lower lip. What happened to those dreams? His embrace is really warm. But the place beside him was really mine?

"What do you even know about our sweet marriage life?" I crossed my legs. "Hyugi is the best husband."

"I envy you Irene" look at us you have a man while we are still  living up to our idol reputation. Seulgi sighed.

"Seulgi you got accepted for the drama you auditio-" said the manager while holding the poster.

Irene's Pov

Isn't this the drama I auditioned for?

"Well..the thing is that, they rejected you."


"Well they preferred her over you that's what they told us."

"Excuse me for a second."

"Ah you should've came a little later! She must be hurt."

Maybe..It was the worst decision I made. Did I really loved him? Or it was his stardom I wanted? I even hate my reflection now. It's not false that I like him I do..I looked up in the mirror and wiped my face. The water was running down as my eyes stared forcing tears out. Tears that were mixed with water. I took out something from my bag.

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