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Long ago I confessed someone by old means. I waited for him to reply me but he never did. So I tried giving up on him. Our company was facing great loss. And the only way to overcome that was wed lock. Plus our company also needed an heir. Eunwoo was the friend of my dad's really close friend and it was the only way to stabilize the company's state. So they suggested the wedlock. It was a decision that was made by my parents and I was just informed. For some parents children are some ways of bargaining. Happiness is something that they think can be bought by expensive gifts. "When you get the things you desire for you loose its worth".. They sure enjoy the hospitality of being "Rich" but they never get the feeling of attraction with their parents. Even though we have money. But the craving of more and more money is like the endless knot that a man keeps on pulling.

"So true when people say a man's greed is never satisfied."

They made a decision, never asking me. If I will be happy? If this is what I want? Or maybe I had some dreams like an ordinary girl about her married life? But these debates are just unnecessary, even if I want to protest the person I liked from a really long time already had someone in his life. This way I will be just a "Drama queen" and a bad person for ruining a heaven made relationship.

Eunwoo is going to be my husband, I have to force my heart to think about him 24/7 maybe that way I will fall for him.


I looked at my phone and I saw my group mates calling me. But it was so long that I had a nice chat with her.

"I have monthly evaluations, so I need to head back for practice."

"Nabi! If you will ask me to spend the day with you I will throw my phone away, Tell me to stop, don't go! say you want to hear my voice a little more. Because I just want to be with you today."

I started walking slowly towards the door, thinking she might stop me from leaving.


I turned around as soon as she called me.


"Good Luck!"

"Yin Nabi Pov"

It can't be true right? After such a long time we finally talked to each other. Its sad we are fated to be apart. After your rejection Hyugi I wasn't able to take you out of my mind. I tried all the ways to forget you. But whenever your thought crossed my mind. I went weaker. Now that you were in front of me the glaciers of my heart melted. I know its wrong. But my heart is not in my control. We both have someone in our lives already. If you would have accepted me back then I would have fought with the whole world to get you. But the whole world is against us and alone I'm just as weak as my confession.

When you embraced me I felt the darkness in me was filling in with your colors. I was afraid that you might notice my wild heart beating for you. The way you looked at me I wanted us to be like that. Even if there were no words and just dead silence. Just by staring at you I would have filled the emptiness in me.

Hyugi's phone ringed and he said he is being called by the agency.

"Hyugi just don't go...If I ask you to stay with me, will you stay? If I ask you to be with me will you do this for me? Cause I just got you back and I don't want you to disappear from my eyes."

This is what I wanted to say him but my heart was too nervous to brought it up to my lips.

"Hyugi?" I called him, but I ended up saying "Good luck!"

I looked at his back going further away. Guess he was gone.

I walked around in my outlet and it looked like a desert and I was like a camel walking in it.

Something on my desk caught my eye I went close to it and I saw a date marked with a heart. 1st January? Its Hyugi's birthday.

I picked up my cellphone and called the best person I know.

"Hey I'm Nabi, I have a favour to ask from you."

"Hyugi Hayes."

I felt like roses bloomed inside my heart. Everytime when I looked at my reflection in the mirror I saw Nabi. I was so delusional and so worn out that my world was spinning around her. My heart was beating like crazy and my hands were getting all sweaty. These were all the symptoms of love. I was so sick in love. I scolded myself.

"Get your head working Hyugi Hayes or you will be stuffed with tomatoes and served to the judges."

In the evening I decided to meet my mom. I walked in the hospital and I kissed her forehead, before holding her hand.

"Mom! A friend of mine likes a girl he is so head over heels for her. But she already has someone in her life. What should he do. He can't stop his heart beating for her. He is getting frustrated that all these feelings will hurt him in the end."

Mom! Its new year. Its your son's birthday. Wake up please! How many nights and days I have to live without you waiting?

I walked out of the hospital thinking "Everything happens for the good."

I was waiting for the bus. When I remembered the email from the other day.

I opened it and I couldn't believe my eyes what I saw.

The bus came in and I rushed inside it.

"Yin Nabi! I was the one you fell for? And I was the one who rejected you?" I had mixed feelings. I was happy and confused. I was waiting for my spot to come so that I could run to you.



Ah! Hyugi it's me Nabi. Can you come at this place urgently? XXXXXX

okay! I will.

"Yin Nabi! You are so done!"

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